Friday, April 8, 2022

Learn Something New Every Day!

Word of the Day is WORDLE--are you obsessed with this game?

 Doesn't matter how old you are--you can always learn someting new each and every day!  What did you learn today that was new and exciting?   Many are taking up the challenge of the game "Wordle"--

What I've learned is --I Don't Like THis Game!!  will not waste time on it--because, once you begin, you are hooked!  

Another thing I learned today is hexagons can be created in a couple of ways. I should have known that the technique of English Paper Piecing would be easier several ways.

 I've been printing hard copies of one inch hexie, cutting them out, stitching around the piece with needle and thread (sort of my evening tasks as we relax), taking out the cardboard hexie to begin anew--you could also buy the precut hexies as well as making them yourself.

Here are the inch ones ready to be stitched--I like to keep them contained in this bowl--easy to pick up and put down.

and here are my small hexie blooms--these are going into a spool project from Debby Brown Color Block group on Facebook and website
How about stamping your hexie onto cloth, cut and stitch each hexie?  Well, I'll be!  Why didn't my brain think of that sooner??  There are several vendors that sell the clear plastic stamps!
I'm just amazed that my brain took so loooooong to hook into that idea!

Why?? you ask?  
Answer is simple--I used stamps many moons ago to stamp different designs and stitch to create nice small quilts!  I'm like--"duh" you're certainly SLOW to remember that time in your past life.

I collected these framed pieces from mother's house several years ago--I made them as a gift to her and also gave some to my mother-in-law
This is log cabin design

Another log cabin creation.
So, another lesson learned today is--don't forgot your past lessons learned!!
And I'm still not going to play WORDLE!!

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