Sunday, January 30, 2022
Start A New Project For a Good Cause
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Good Idea?? Or Not??
I thought this would be a good idea! Who doesn't like to make medallion quilts? Simple--start with one block and build around it! It's called a round robin as well as medallion-- A round robin involves sending your piece off to friends to add the next round. Eventually, after all the rounds, the piece makes it back to first sender. Last year, this group didn't send their rounds but were sewn and chosen by you! Once again this year, there is the SAHRR group and you can join along with me! Only thing for me--I had to construct the middle (starting) block! Luckily, I still have a couple of orphan blocks that can be used.
It officially began January 10th and each Monday thereafter for six rounds, a different blogger would offer their suggestions for the next round. Below is the list of bloggers who contributed.
- Anja @ Anja Quilts
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Texas Quilt GAl
- Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
- Gail @ Quilting Gail (it’s Gail who hosts this fun)
- Chris @ Chrisknitssews
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
- Jan 31 - Feb 4 Calico Patch
- Feb 7- 11 The Woolen Needle
- Feb 14 - 18 Red Button Quilt Company
- Feb 21 - 25 Linen Closet Designs
- Feb 28 - Mar 4 My Red Door Designs
- Mar 7- 11 Blueberry Backroads
- Mar 14-18 Sew Cherished
- Mar 21 - 25 The Cottage Rose
- Mar 28 - Apr 1 Traditional Primitives
- Apr 4 - 8 Yellow Creek
- Apr 11 - 15 Through the Needle's Eye
- Apr 18 - 22 Rusty Crow
- April 25-May 2 Calico Patch: Finishing
This is a small embroidery design featuring books and roses which you'll be able to make into a unique bookmark of your own style. Of course, you might want to make them into a small wall quilt or stitch them onto small projects.
All of monthly bookmarks will be a bit different from each other and perhaps that will give you ideas of your own. gather ribbons, lace, fabric scraps and buttons, and chose a red, blue, green and white colour scheme. There's a tiny pop of applique and the designs are stitched onto lovely white linen.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
What’s Next?
Stir-crazy means "distraught because of prolonged confinement."
Friday, January 21, 2022
Purge--Out You- GO!
Today I purged (rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling.) things from my life---and I have no guilt about it at all! For years I've been following many different blogs--almost 300 of them. I see most of the regular bloggers on a daily basis; but there are some I don't see so often--therefore, I went to my blog list and looked to see who had been blogging and maybe I missed their entries------amazing to me, many had stopped blogging years ago! Some had moved to another site so I updated those.
I found some blogs that I didn't know about, those were added--maybe, I'll be back up to my 300# again! I love, love seeing other blogs--it keeps me grounded; lets me know what's happening in the world of fiber. I wish more bloggers had dedication to stick to this way of journaling.
Some folks journal before bedtime--saying it helps them sleep better; gets things off their minds. my sleep brings me thoughts of what should be done at times--those dreams can open up new avenues!
Following a word of advice this year, I'm spending 22 minutes a day doing nothing!!! Now, that's not hard at all! Just sit, mediate, dream, keep still, do nothing--and before you know it, more than 22 minutes have passed! That's the only down side of this relaxation method.
Okay--So I purged my computer of blogs and then I thought in my 22 minutes of nothing--why not purge that upstairs closet-- and think nothing of it! Just let it GO!
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Isn’t that the phrase from my GPS? Definitely, when I take a turn off my destination route—I hear the voice—sometimes it seems to be “shouting” at me!! Ok, I made a brief detour but I will get back on track!!
Each day I calculate what Projects I would like to work with—need to destroy that pile of UFOs—even if it’s done slowly! In the evenings I knit on hats—easy, non thinking patterns
the next hat has a k p brim. I found this funky yarn to add interest—planned to knit whole hat using this yarn; it was just too hard to keep on the needles. Decision—change to mohair yarn to finish off.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Mid Month Blues
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Everything And The Kitchen Sink!
- Four Patch Block
- Nine Patch Block
- Half Square Triangle Block
- Quarter Square Triangle Block
- Friendship Star Block
- Flying Geese Block
- Variable Star Block
- Ohio Star Block
- Nine Patch Chain Block
- Pinwheel Mosaic Block
Monday, January 10, 2022
From Hands Finally!!
Voluble means "characterized by ready or rapid speech.
Long time coming--finished This lace sampler knit along from 2019! Yay! for me! I"m afraid I skipped a couple of month patterns, but it's finished and now on the blocking pads!
Saturday, January 8, 2022
St Distaff Day
Distaff Day, also called Roc Day or Rock Day, is 7 January, the day after the feast of the Epiphany. It is also known as Saint Distaff's Day, one of the many unofficial holidays in Catholic nations.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Gather, Gathering, Gathered!
2022 Fabric Requirements for 12″ Finished Blocks
- 12 – 18 Fat Quarters (or more for a scrappier quilt)
- 2 yards of background fabric for blocks and inner border (solid or tone on tone)
- 1 yard contrast for blocks (I’m using 1/3 yard each of three different grey prints for this in my quilt).
- 1/2-yard sashing (I’m using a light floral for this)
- 1-yard outer border
- 5/8-yard binding
2022 Fabric Requirements for 6″ Finished Blocks
- 12-18 Fat Eighths
- 1 yard of background fabric for blocks and inner border (solid or tone on tone)
- 1/2-yard contrast for blocks
- 1/4-yard sashing
- 1/2-yard outer border
- 1/3-yard binding
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Sweet Dreams!
Here is your word for the day:
A palindrome
is a word, verse, or sentence (as "Able was I ere I saw Elba"), or
a number (as 2002) that reads the same backward or forward. Now it is Day 5 of a new year and I’m behind 5 days!! |
Pat Sloan has a sweet dreams mystery sew along that begins today! That woman has so many
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
READING Challenge
Captious means "tending to find fault and raise objections" or "calculated to confuse, entrap, or entangle in argument." | |
// Surprisingly, the critic, who is known for being captious, found the movie to be a flawless gem. | |
// Befuddled by the captiousquestions, the suspect broke down and confessed to the crime. |
Here comes a reading challenge for you in 2022 If you like to read, this is a great challenge for each month of the year. I found a friendly, bookly group on FB--Friends and Fiction. This is their challenge--you could set your own book challenge for the year.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Mission Imposible?
Word of The Day: Impossible (not able to occur, exist, or be done; very difficult to deal with.)
"Nothing is impossible. The word it's self says I'm possible!" Audrey Hepburn
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Snow globes Please!
Word of the Day: Rejuvenate!! Rejuvenate originated as a combination of the prefix re-, which means "again," with the Latin parent of juvenile and junior—juvenis, meaning "young." Rejuvenateliterally means "to make young again" and can imply a restoration of physical or mental strength or a return to a more youthful, healthy condition. Things that are timeworn can also be rejuvenated.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Welcome 2022!!!
Word of day: willie-waught: a large gulp of alcoholic beverage, a swig, a copious or deep draught!
How will you welcome the new year??
Sloooow Stitching!
What is slow stitching? Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...
As someone who has participated in Mardi Gras parades, let me tell you this is ONE PARTY! There is nothing like being there in perso...
So you have a few small blocks just sitting idly by and you don't know what to do with them. Then try this method, Potholder Quilts or ...
Thank goodness, on our Costco trip today, I didn't find one single book that I wanted to read,........ BUT, that doesn't mean I...