Thursday, August 29, 2019

Used Bookstores and LIbrary Finds

For many years, I would browse through used bookstores--
I could lose myself in the aisles of musty old paperbacks.
You could always find a bargain in those racks or
an author that is hard to find anyway else.
Now days, it's hard to find a used bookstore--

For a time, I used Paperback Swap--
it was a way to trade books with other readers--
lately, there are more "post" than "order" books
that I would like to read; still an option to begin there
on occasion. It's free to join and the sender pays the postage.

Recently, I walked into a local bookshop to look--just look.
I came across more from Mike Blakely.  My husband snatched
the latest from Mike
"A Sinister Splendor" out of my hands after we met the author;
he finished the book quickly--and recently spoke with Mike
about this book--I'm anxious to begin the journey through
the Mexican-America War-Mike does extensive research and
has won Spur Award several times.  He is also an excellent
songwriter and musician 

These three books I found at a library used book sale--
I enjoy John Sandford's characters; don't know anything
about "The Dress Lodger" but sounds interesting 
And one of my favorite authors, Nicholas Evans with
"The Divide"--maybe, it's a tear jerker? 
Happy reading!

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