Saturday, August 3, 2019

Knitting Facts, If You're Interested!

Here it is August--the real 'dog' days of summer!

Here is aside: The Dog Days of summer are the hot, sultry
days of summer, were historically the period following the
heliacal rising of the stay system Sirius--the Greek
and Roman astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden
thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs and bad luck.

What else do you do in the hot summer--knit, of course!
It's time to knit up those socks, mittens, scarves, hats--:}

You might be interested in some knitting facts--

Knitting is centuries old--usually knitting fabrics dissolve over time it can be hard to actually date knitting.  It seems to have been brought by the Crusaders from the Middle East.  The term "knitting" is mentioned in the 14th century for the first time. 

A Former Type of knitting was done with only one needle.  a cross between knitting and crocheting was being practiced by Ancient Egyptians.

In 16th Century in France, knitting was practiced only by males!

The first knitting machine was invented in 1589 by Williams Lee, under the rule of Queen
Elizabeth I.  

During WWI women had the national duty to knit socks, scarves and caps for
fighting soldiers across the battlefields--some sent to their family members,
while others knitting for every soldier in the land.

Knitting can reduce heart rate, blood pressure and it relaxes the body to fight
illness better!

In the beginning, silk and cotton yarns were used most often

In 1611 Johann Siebmacher published the first documentation of 126 knitting patterns

The first knitting needles of record were made from ivory, tortoise shell or bones

Excuse me-- I'm off to relax my soul......................

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