Thursday, August 15, 2019

Calling All Crocheters!

It's Granny Square Day 2019!!  Break out those hooks
and yarns to participate in Granny Square Day!

Granny Square Day begin in 2014 by Susan Regalia, who uses Instagram's
iconic grid format to replicate patchwork arrangement of classic granny square
blanket online.  Others followed and granny square day was born!
This brought worldwide crochet community together in
celebration of design and color!

Here's how to be involved:  On or before August 15, take a photo of your
granny square and crop the photo into square shape--so it fills the entire
space.  On the day, upload onto your instagram account and
be sure to hash tag it #grannysquareday2019--
your square will be added to the virtual blanket!
To see the blanket, search #grannysquareday2019 and you
will be viewing in Instagrams' standard three wide format
to get the full effect.

Not a Crocheter--check out the finished blanket at the same
hashtag and pick your favorite granny square.

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