Monday, November 17, 2014

Taste of Texas Fall

Autumn is my favorite season of the year!  The weather is warm, then cool, warm again, then down right cold, warm again and maybe HOT another day!  But, it's just perfect for me.  Nature is at her best during November.

A walk through the woods brings you to many varieties of life.

and death

Boulders against the cool trickling stream

We relish the colors of changing leaves

The backdrop of gray and silver cliffs

clear cool water dotted with falling leaves

Sparse clouds move along at a slow speed while Lost Maples seek the sunlight

And then if you are lucky you will find some natural dye

cochineal feeds on the prickly pear cactus

If only, no one was looking!

one little beetle gives off his color--hints of red

A stop along the path to enjoy some Texas food products as we listen to Texas musicians

The Pumpkin patch is piled high with vast variety--just waiting for the pumpkin chunkin contest!

Dried Berries made for door fashion

"Gobble, Gobble"

The sign of the times

Colors of autumn at the back door and in the garden

Cedar trees waiting for their chance to change to golden red.  Ahh, nothing like Autumn in Texas!

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