Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fall into Summer.............

Okay, we know it's summer! Yes, it's a hot, dry and hazy summer here in Colorado this year! But, working with fall fabrics during these hot dog days of summer seems the right thing to do!
I'm not using just any fall fabrics but well 'aged' ones--this is a kit that was purchased back in 2008 or was it 2009?  Who can remember?  But it has been well aged and just waiting around for the perfect time.  And as you can see from the price tag, a great price too!

Let's look at the fabrics and instructions--what only one page!!??

Interesting fact about this kit--the pattern comes from our Texas area and I purchased it at Colorado shop--Great American Quilt Factory (may it rest in peace!)

It looks to be one of those Block of the Month clubs (BOM)  As here is first month fabrics.

And there was a second and third month, as well as fourth (with coupon to purchase backing fabric--too bad I'm looking at this 6 years down the road!) and fifth month which included border and binding fabrics

Assemble the blocks--here is Maple Leaf laid out before sewing

Maple Leaf constructed

And Shoo-fly block--now combined 24 of each and you have the center of the quilt.........I developed an assemble line for sewing these blocks together--but, still after cutting all those fabrics, making HSTs (half square triangles), and sewing--it all became very boring.  But, I know in the end this will make a lovely quilt which will go to either an Oklahoma tornado victim or wildfire victim.  Even if it is boring work, I know in my heart, this will give someone comfort during those cold months.
Still trying to decide what borders to apply to this top.  The pattern shows HSTs after the first border, then a second 2"border ending with a piano key border--well, I'm not ready to make more HSTs again so am thinking this one through as the top lies on the floor while I audition several ways to complete this rather busy quilt.  It definitely needs something to give the eyes some rest......................

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