Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fall into Summer.............

Okay, we know it's summer! Yes, it's a hot, dry and hazy summer here in Colorado this year! But, working with fall fabrics during these hot dog days of summer seems the right thing to do!
I'm not using just any fall fabrics but well 'aged' ones--this is a kit that was purchased back in 2008 or was it 2009?  Who can remember?  But it has been well aged and just waiting around for the perfect time.  And as you can see from the price tag, a great price too!

Let's look at the fabrics and instructions--what only one page!!??

Interesting fact about this kit--the pattern comes from our Texas area and I purchased it at Colorado shop--Great American Quilt Factory (may it rest in peace!)

It looks to be one of those Block of the Month clubs (BOM)  As here is first month fabrics.

And there was a second and third month, as well as fourth (with coupon to purchase backing fabric--too bad I'm looking at this 6 years down the road!) and fifth month which included border and binding fabrics

Assemble the blocks--here is Maple Leaf laid out before sewing

Maple Leaf constructed

And Shoo-fly block--now combined 24 of each and you have the center of the quilt.........I developed an assemble line for sewing these blocks together--but, still after cutting all those fabrics, making HSTs (half square triangles), and sewing--it all became very boring.  But, I know in the end this will make a lovely quilt which will go to either an Oklahoma tornado victim or wildfire victim.  Even if it is boring work, I know in my heart, this will give someone comfort during those cold months.
Still trying to decide what borders to apply to this top.  The pattern shows HSTs after the first border, then a second 2"border ending with a piano key border--well, I'm not ready to make more HSTs again so am thinking this one through as the top lies on the floor while I audition several ways to complete this rather busy quilt.  It definitely needs something to give the eyes some rest......................

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quilt Studio

Even if you are not a quilter, you will find that Spun exhibit at the Denver Art Museum will hold something of interest for you. As you enter the front doors of the Hamilton Building, you will see this off to the left of the entrance.
Here you can explore the world of contemporary quilting.  On weekends there are demonstrations by local artists.  Here you can try your hand at assorted quilting techniques.

The front windows hosts a display of two quilts.

There is a hands-on area for you to create your crazy quilt block.

Cruise by several other quilting techniques that are displayed on the board

Several stitching techniques are also on display

How about some hands on quilting?

And need a hint as to the supplies required for quilting?

And who doesn't love buttons?

Friend Judy uses the magnetic board to design her own unique quilt block.

Here on this table is an example of a  top waiting for quilting stitches to bind it into a finished quilt 

Want to practice quilting stitches?  Here's your chance..............Hands down this is an excellent way to see quilting and experience quilting up close.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Denver Satellite Reef From Spun Exhibit

This week was our chance to visit Denver Art Museum and right away I was fascinated by the Denver Satellite Reef exhibit that was located throughout the museum.  As my friend, Judy P and I roamed we found these wonderful displays of crocheted reefs.   This installation combines math, marine biology, hyperbolic crochet techniques and community participation.
"The Bleached Bone Reef" is from the Institute For Figuring Crochet coral Reef project.
The bleached bone reef are pieces created by workers at the Handcc Crochet Factory in Shantou, China

Other pieces like the ruble corals, red and white anemone trees, tube worms and mudibranchs were designed and created by artists from California, Texas, Australia

Other artists from New York, Washington state, Ireland gave us delicate sea urchin and Irish lace designs

Visitors are encouraged to crochet their own reef creations to add to the Denver Satellite

You can just imagine these anchored to the sea floor with colorful fish swimming and hiding in the landscape

Crochet coral reef and satellite reefs have been constructed in 25 cities world wide.  This project seeks to engage people from all walks of life.

The Institute For Figuring has worked since 2006 with communities around the world to create these local reefs

Above one display these sea creatures are floating

Pod World No. 1--Blue Corral Landscape features Noro yarn pile, stag horn coral, pearled kelp, blue tree, coral head

Then there is the Pod World No. 2--Southwest Vista

I really enjoyed this crawling coral and admire the skilled hands it took to create

There are more coral reefs to view at the DAM--all wonderful and fascinating!  And not only can you view these creations, you will also take in textiles galore..................more later on other fabulous exhibits!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

SPUN! Adventures in Textiles

How can you begin your summer any better than a HUGE textile exhibit at the Denver Art Museum (DAM) Here is the line-up:   

May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013September 22, 2013
  • May 19, 2013-September 22, 2013
  • All in one location and for one price!  But, we can see it all at one time?  Not me!

  • Sloooow Stitching!

    What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...