Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The history of the American Barn Quilt can be traced back almost 300 years to the arrival of immigrants from the central regions of Europe; Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. It is widely believed that barn painting/quilting originated in Pennsylvania with these immigrants and then spread through much of the New England and Midwestern states. Paint was very expensive in those days and painting a decorative and distinctive quilt pattern on their barns was a wonderful way of allowing for decoration. It also became an excellent way for travelers to find particular families or cross roads as towns people would just tell them which pattern to look for.  Info from American Barn Quilts

So, jumping on the 'barn' wagon is Acquilt with their Barn Quilt Design contest.  Take a look at the winners! 
When you travel through the midwest, you can still find barns with these delightful paintings over their doors. 

Bee in My Bonnet QAL is just the place to find the pattern.  This quilt along has been fun

A chance to use up some 6.5" ophran blocks floating around the stash bin

also, a way to use up some of those interesting barn fabrics that have been collected over the years.

animals can be added along with other farm equipment

These will definitely be added to the Binky Patrol quilt collection for some little adventuresome person to enjoy.

On our return flight from Las Vegas, I was able to tune into any TV show and came across Eleanor Burns doing this quilt.  Well, needless to say, this quilt will be in my personal collection--once we have finished with all the other barns.  Interesting information about barn quilts in this publication. 
Happy barn hunting to you!

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