Friday, August 31, 2012

Just Gotta Love Those Field Trips!

Calling all fiber fans! We are going on a field trip, arranged by friend Judy P. It's just another Thursday but what a Thursday! Our first stop................
Fancy Tiger Crafts, located at 59 Broadway, Denver.  This is a perfect starting point.

Step inside and be greeted by a colorful display of a pyramid quilt with surrounding books.

Off to the right are yarns!  lots of yarns!  Are you a knitter?  Then this is the place for you.  Fancy Tiger has many classes for knitters and quilters alike.

They have the latest books too.

And their 'yarn bombed' mascot graces the back wall.

Now, step into their sewing classroom--neat and well organzied.

Lots of space to spread out and create that perfect piece.

This is one of the wall hangings that decorate the classroom

And take a look at this cool quilt that Judy pulled out of her bag!  Isn't this grand?!!  At first, glance I thought she had pieced all those blocks, but no, it's a panel!  She needed the nifty border to give it a nice accent.

Our next stop--Wooden Spools what a great place to visit.  Here are just some of the quilts from classes that are being offered this fall.

Really hard to choose which one to take!

One of the interesting things about Wooden Spools--it is a resale shop for fabric!  Can you believe?  They buy fabric at X$ and resale for $5 yard--what a bargain!  And these are good fabrics too.  What a delightful field trip this was.  Next post, we'll talk about our visit to see an outstanding fashion exhibit.  Stay tuned

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Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...