Sunday, August 26, 2012

Quilting Shop with a Friend

Not even a major traffic stale could keep me from meeting friend Judy when we want to do some fabric shopping! It was just a short delay in our major task for the day--hit three quilt shops and see if we could find the special fabrics we seek for our projects.
Our first meet up was Laughing Ladies Quilt Shop in Berthoud, CO.  This was their one year sale event.  Judy had already arrived and won a prize!  How exciting for her!

Their shop is well set up and the shop samples are hanging around each special area of fabrics.

Each sample boasts a special class offering.

"Wacky Stars" is featured in this area

"Carpenter's Star" in this area

Thirty's fabric has a nice featured quilt in the section with that fabric

Need a batik?  It's here!  Along with a good selection of hand dyed Perle cottons.

This shop featured numerous kits with the hanging sample to see

What a quaint town Berthoud is!  Painted murals on downtown buildings and this painting of family life in Berthoud.  A short walk down the street and around the corner, we had lunch at The Whistle Stop Tavern--a great time to visit and catch up on our activities since our last day out.

Southward we travel to our next shop, Tomorrow's Heirlooms.  This is a smaller shop with slight less selection of fabric but none the less, a great place to stop

Their classroom is ideal for the all the interesting workshops and classes they offer

What a great way to combine fabrics for an interesting pinwheel block

Just a short drive to The Quilt Store--sorry, didn't get photos inside this shop.  We found some sale fabric here--friendly staff and a fairly decent selection of fabric.  Judy found some fabrics for a t-shirt quilt she is doing.  It was a good day, but now it was time for us to part ways until our next adventure--see you then!

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