Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Weaver Friend, Sharon Crary

Recently we had the opportunity to reconnect with our friends from years past.  Their daughter was marrying and we were invited to the wedding.  What joy it was to see them again and celebrate this special occassion!  This is the front door--really welcoming isn't it?

Take a stroll up the walkway to the front door.

This friend, Sharon Crary, is a weaver! That is how we met in 1978 when I joined the local weavers' guild.  Sharon was & is an extra-ordinary weaver! She weaves tapestries on loom and off loom. Her work is outstanding! We had time, amongst all the wedding events, to visit in her studio for awhile. Here is her draft for the rug on her loom.

Can you see the movement of the tree according to her draft?  And her color choice is right on!

Sharon pulled out this rep weave table mat--great color combinations.

This off loom tapestry is proof that Sharon has mastered the craft.

A lovely towel!

And one in plain weave--the tracking adds texture to the overall effect.

This scarf is the beginning of crepe wear.  Once the scarf is tightly bound and washed, the creases should remain in to give an interesting look.  
If you are in Northern California during September, look Sharon up as she will be participating in the 24th Annual Napa Valley Open Studios with 72 artists and 48 locations.  Napa Valley Open Studios will be held September 17-18 and September 24-25  11 AM to 5 PM.  Tour information at Napa Valley Open Studios . Also find info on Facebook.  It was great fun to see an 'old' friend again. 

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl,
    Thank you. Nice to see what Sharon is doing now in her lovely CA house. And to see her beautiful work.



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