Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blue, Blue and more Blue

What's this?  Just a pile of strips cut from a shopping bag--that's what it is.  And what do you do with these strips??

Why you use them to wrap your warp or weft threads for an ikat project.  It takes some time and definitely it takes a little tug and pull to make sure there will be no leakage when the yarn goes into the dye pot.  It is dye day!!  And we are headed to Sky Loom Weavers on our regular Tuesday monthly meeting.
And we are trying out this 'new' (to us) indigo powder--instant, the label reads.  Time will tell if it really works instantly.

Our dye host, Penny, has the indigo dye vat at the right temperature and we are ready to immerse.

Rosemary's taupe color silk goes in first.

And then a few more bundles.  The plastic strips just want to float so Penny so gracious enough to hold it under--no blue hands for this gal--rubber gloves are a must!

Kate adds her dyed yarns to the line--

We could sing "Are We Blue..." but so far we are pleased with the results as seen now.

Rosemary's taupe colored silk has taken on an unique blue tint.

Connie wanted to dye cotton yardage and used this interesting way to clamp her fabric.  She didn't want board marks so wrapped plastic around her fabric before she placed the boards on top and bottom--clever!

As our yarns dry, we continue inside to have our show and tell portion of the morning.  Here on Penny's sideboard are her finished towels--ready and waiting for the next sale day.

We all oooh and ahhh over her natural cotton table runner--way to go Penny!

This table topper is woven by Scharine of Ryukyu Heritage Textiles.  She is continuing the legacy of her family traditions.
Oh, so smart--Rosemary has taken a jump on our yearly project goal and woven an ikat runner!  She used kool-aide for the red colors on this silk fiber--gee whiz Rosemary--you are such an overachiever!

A close-up of her work--not bad!

Spring time still bounds along the roadways!  What a pleasant drive!  And the back roads were all like this--a painting perfect view! 

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