Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Road Trip #101

Want to take a road trip?  A road trip through the best scenery of the country?  Texas, it is the best!  And spring time is absolutely the best time to take a road trip.  We had visited several of the painted churches in past months, but we could never make it to Praha, TX.

This time we made it and stopped in St. Mary's Church, Praha.   Although the church is under scaffolding, we found the front door and entered to find peace and some of the most beautiful handwork made by man.

The side altar

The painted ceilings and columns.

Another view of the main altar

And along the roadside, we found plenty of wildflowers!  It had been a wet spring and wildflowers were popping up everywhere in Central Texas.  What a lovely site!

We used our wildflower reference guide to identify at least 50 varieties of flowers along the wayside.

Colors galore!

This was an interesting wildflower that we had to see up close to find the name--it's in the milkweed family.

We visited Wildseed Farms to walk through meadows of flowers.

At this location, wildflowers are grown for their seeds.  You name the flower and you can see it growing here.  This is a field of poppies.

Indian paintbrush

And larkspur inviting to butterflies and human visitors

down the road from Wildseed Farms, at Hye you can tour Garrison Bros. Distrillery for a taste of true Texas bourbon

And the day is not complete without a slice of pie from Fredericksburg Pie Company.  If you are in the area on the weekend, enjoy a great evening show at Rockbox Theater--
Always up for something different--take a trip to Hill Country, Texas

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