Saturday, March 31, 2012

And Now For The Show...................

In the previous post, we had photos of 'orphan' blocks that were found in the storage bin.  We must say sufficiently 'aged' blocks!  Here's how they were finished off.
The tops need to be under 44" wide so most fabrics will work as backing, hence the reason the side borders are less than the top and bottom.  This one was sashed with 1.5" mellow yellow border, then this green polka dot fabric brightened up the otherwise dull center.

This one worked out perfectly using two shades of blue for the borders and since these are charities quilts for Binky Patrol, funky fabric was a must.

You've got to love these mysteries!!  This package was also found in the storage bin--everything you see here was in the envelope and that's all.  At least, there was one finished block to give some idea of how to make similar blocks.  Why oh why wasn't it finished in the first place??????

Luckily, there were several of these sewing patterns in the bin also--okay, sew up some 2" finished half square triangles and go from there.
This small hanging was a finished project this week!!  Hurrah!  Although it's small and easy to do, it feels good to accomplish something and not put it in the storage bin to age!!! 

1 comment:

  1. How nice to have these done. I love the rabbit and eggs. very timely. Good job getting those bins emptied!



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