Saturday, March 17, 2012


It has been a slow start to the year--but, guess that's not all bad! Slow is good, huh? But, the past few weeks we have churned out a few things
Little Miss Shabby was the host for a stitch along during 2011--maybe you saw previous posting of the individual blocks.  Finally, finally, the border was decided--with a little help from quilting friends who suggested the larger scale pattern.  Okay, off to the quilters long arm this will go.

This will a quick and fun stitching project.

Another stitching project took place last summer--this from the studio of Crab-apple Hill.  "To Grandmother's house we go"--whoa!  lots of stitching, but fun to do!  And then the finishing..........................
Luckily, all the right fabrics were in the stash--or could it be we purchased all the fabrics needed over the year it took to finish?!!
Here is the finished charity quilt top--well, almost finished--still need to sew the blocks together but it will go to the quilter soon.
This is February shawl from Westknits and the genius minds of Stephen West.  We are using stash yarn--yes, we are!!
And here is March's creation!  more stash yarn out of the closet!!
Now, this was total genius at work!  so unusual--thanks Stephen! Next one waiting in the wings.

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Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...