Did you know?Turkeys can have heart attacks. Groups of turkeys, sometimes known as a rafter of turkeys would drop dead when the Air Force was conducting test runs and breaking the sound barrier nearby.
Apparently turkeys can drown if they look up when it is raining.
Excessive turkey breeding has caused turkey breasts to grow so enormous that the turkeys sometimes fall over.
The Pilgrim Fathers would not eat lobster because they thought it was a giant insect.
How Were Turkeys So Named? The word may have come from the noise a wild turkey makes when it become frightened: it sounds like 'turk - turc - turk.'
The original inhabitants of America called this bird a 'firkee.' It's not hard to see how firkee could become turkey.
Christopher Columbus, the explorer, took some of the wild turkeys of North America back to Europe. People enjoyed eating the meat. It is possible that traders along the Mediterranean casts, known as Turkes, may have brought some of these birds hence they came to be called 'turkey birds.'
In Spain, the turkey was often referred to as Indian fowl, an allusion which is repeated in the French 'dindon' formed with d'Inde which means 'from India'.
Some say Columbus thought the turkey was part of the peacock family. So he decided to call them 'tuka' which is the word for peacock in Tamil, a language spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka.
Pulling the wishbone is a tradition of Thanksgiving. It's bes to allow the wishbone to dry. Then, two people each grasp one end of the wishbone. After making a silent wish, they pull it away. Whoever gets the bigger portion with the joint, will get their wish come true. This is the same at Christmas in the UK"