Monday, August 3, 2009


Wikipedia says "A temptation is an act that looks appealing to an individual. It is usually used to describe acts with negative connotations and as such, tends to lead a person to regret such actions, for various reasons: legal, social, psychological (including feeling guilt), health, economic, etc. Temptation also describes the coaxing or inducing a person into committing such an act, by manipulation or otherwise of curiosity, desire or fear of loss."
Yes, it's there! That temptation to begin a new project when 40 UFO's are lurking in the background. There is that coaxing, that beckoning from a distance, and one would say 'manipulation' to just begin one more project. Oh, that new project would be so interesting; so fun and exciting, it's so NEW! and all those other UFO's are just plain boring now. The scarf just needs a few more rows; the charity hat needs to be bound off; the year long quilt top can wait another day or two since it's waited this long. And then there are the chores--the kitchen needs a sweep of the floor, the countertop needs to be cleared of dirty dishes, laundry should be washed and put away and why oh why does one keep typing away on the keys?
Aren't these lovely fabrics?

Doesn't this look like an intriguing pattern?

This pattern pack was found at a small Florida quilt shop The Cotton Loft during one of travels.

And there it is--that temptation--maybe, just maybe temptation would have been behind me if I had not stepped through the doorway of that quilt shop. But, what is done is done and now there is that temptation--lurking!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August First

Here is our greeter--James--welcoming you to our summer home. He is our constant guardian of the door but he is absolutely worthless! He does no jobs around the house; he delivers no coffee or breakfast to the bedroom; he doesn't do laundry or housework. What good is he? He can hold things on his tray in hopes that WE remember to pick them up on our way out the door. And he is there so we do not come into an empty house.
Now, that August banner is on display we can turn our attention to September--and our kitchen counter top is the perfect place to lay out the backing, batting and top to pin for quilting.

Ready, pinned and to the sewing machine we go for that final touch. Only three more months to conquer--all are pieced and appliqued, just need to do the quilting. Kick me please, if my thoughts even stray into beginning another one of these year long monthly projects!

Monday, July 27, 2009

focus, focus, FOCUS

It seems that once a road trip has been completed there is a necessary obligation to tell oneself to focus--get back on task! Unload the car, unpack the luggage, store away all purchases, and

take away the obstacles blocking your mind.
Step over those obstacles to open your mind and see the beauty that hands can create.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who or What is Albuquerque?

Albuquerque--"The city in New Mexico, U.S., is named for a Spanish viceroy of New Spain, Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva Enriquez, Duque de Alburquerque y Marques de Cuellar (viceroy from 1701-1711). The story has it that, in 1706, provisional governor Francisco Cuervo y Valdes suggested that the town be named after the viceroy as incentive for the viceroy to grant villa status to the town, which didn't quite meet villa standards (requiring 30 families to be living in the area; there were only 18 at the time). The governor got what he wanted and the viceroy got his name in lights, as it were. The full, original name of the villa was San Francisco de Alburquerque. Phillip V of Spain apparently did not like that name and changed it to San Felipe de Alburquerque (not a bit narcissistic, that Phillip). The king's concern with such details didn't pay off in the end, as the San Felipe de was dropped from the town's name (just takes too long to say!)." Take Our Word For It site.
Yes, a visit to Albuquerque is in our grip. First off, it was necessary to learn how to spell that interesting, unusual word--how many q's and how many u's? That would be a good game show question!
A day on the town yielded some insight into the history of the original settlers--the Pueblo Indians. Prehistoric are the Petroglyphs, which dot the landscape that dates over 150,000 years. Archaeologists estimate that ancestors of today's Native people carved these symbols of images into the rocks from 3,000 years to 700 years ago. As we traversed along the rocky outcrops, one can't help to imagine about those people and why did they leave some interesting writings for us to discern.

The next logical place to visit is the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, representing 19 New Mexico Pueblos. A center that features museum offering a showcase of Pueblo history and accomplishments; gift shop for Native art pieces and exhibition gallery,featuring contemporary artistry of Pueblo and other Native people of the Southwest. And no place would be complete without an eating establishment that gave you all the local flavor of green and red chilies.

"Peaceful Warrior Prayer"
The Peaceful Warrior's prayer
is a healing prayer, spiritually singing
to the Global Community
about living in harmony
upon our Mother Earth.
To reunite the spiritual circle
of the human family.
To remain us all
of the sacredness of life
and to walk gently with dignity, integrity,
respecting one another
and our differences."
Estella Lovetto, author

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Taylor's Tulips

About 18 months ago 'surfing' the internet brought my attention to a BOM (Block of the Month) group sponsored by Heather Finnell of Burning the Midnight Oil . Heather provided a different block each month for a year. Her directions were clear and precise. Each month the block instructions and cutting directions were on the website link till the middle of the next month. If you missed that month's directions, you could purchase from Heather. There was also a yahoo group to discuss the ongoing month so if there are any problems or concerns, you could bring your questions to the group for answers or assistance. This seems to be the way of the internet lately--which is not a bad practice. The BOM is free till a certain time. Well, the center piecing blocks were done in a timely fashion but then it came to the time to do the applique and this quilt "Taylor's Tulips" had lots of applique!
This summer the blocks were brought together and applique begun. How to do the applique, which isn't my strong suit? Needle turning each of those pieces--NOT--so the next thought was to interface the applique pieces and turn; each piece would be ready for stitcing. Trace each leaf, tulip lip and center onto interfacing, place on wrong side of fabric, stitch around with machine (set on tight stitch), cut out the pieces and turn. Of course, this took some time but this was night work while watching DVR or DVDs and soon the 94 tulip lips and 42 centers plus number of leaves were turned. Let the hand stitching begin and we start with the center block.

Each corner will need applique work.

This is only the center block! And the surrounding blocks will need applique work. The finished quilt is outstanding! We'll looking forward to that final stitch.
There was another BOM project begun in January and this one would last only 6 months. There is no applique involved and the monthly instructions went well except in June we traveled to our summer location, and the decision was made to leave the quilt top behind. This quilt will be finished in the fall--that's okay. It's a stunning quilt top called "Foolish Goose Tracks". We can only hope that Heather will continue with her lovely quilt patterns and they will be offered free! Thanks, Heather!! It's been a great ride.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

TWO down, ONE to go

Here we go--only one more of the Roving Art pieces is to be spun--that's quite an accomplishment in my book; doing two out of three within the last month. The last two rovings have been interesting to spin. The wool feels good as the fibers slip smoothly through your fingers. As the fibers wind onto the bobbin, thoughts form in the brain: is this the best way to spin? And which way to spin the roving (split down the middle, split along the side, spin all one color at a time, spin from the fold, graze, random pull, etc. So many different techniques. And once the 4 oz roving has been spun, the next decision is how to ply--from two bobbins, from the ball, from center pull of ball and outside ply, Navajo ply, two, three, four ply or just single ply. No reason to divert from the usual--split the roving in small slivers lengthwise and spin; then ply from ball, using center pull and outside--makes a great two ply yarn everytime.
Okay--those decisions are made, next on the agenda--what to create from this finished yarn? Browse through numerous patterns to find just the perfect one to fit the finished yarn or should the yarn just relax and lie around in the basket, looking pretty? Browsing is good! You find so many wonderful patterns that are just perfect for your spun yarn--or maybe, for the next yarn that is to be spun.
Here is the latest Roving Art piece, using a pattern from Knitty Winter, 2007. The headband is 'Quant' using entrelac knitting technique--one of my all time favorite knitting skills!
But, just who is this piece named after? Mary Quant? Who is she? Research, research brings us to find her Mary Quant Well, you can learn something new every day!
Since we are in a different location for summer, we have to improvise some equipment. We are recycling!

It's not pretty but it's functional. There is something to do with that beat up Amazon box and a wooden skewer. Works well to wind onto ball winder, which we do have.
Tally-ho, it's off to spin another roving and make plans for the finished yarn use.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Yes, it's Friday! and special things happen on Friday in blogland. Over at Alpaca Farm Girl there is a posting of Friday Arts each week. Another site for eye candy is Or Smoking Hot Needles--gotta love that! These are only two of the blogs that feature wonderful handcrafts. The Internet gives us the opportunity to have the whole world at our fingertips. Each of us can testify to the number of hours we have spent researching any given topic via WWW. Too many chances to take the wrong turn to another thought--'oh, let's just go to this page as it looks interesting!' One of those wrong turns took me to Charming Girls Quilt Club at Charming Chatter . This soul is definitely a 'sucker' for any fiber art and as they say "jack of all, but a master of none" is my motto. And to find that the Internet offers such riches of wealth for fiber arts warms the mind and body. Charming Chatter asked some questions that are difficult to answer:

1. Favorite Fabric: Choices, choices, choices-- There are just too many fabric lines out there to even pick a favorite.

2. The pattern most looking forward to sewing: There are numerous patterns that are on the agenda and each has that high anticipation level

3. Food weakness: Well, it's anything salty and sweet!

4. If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd: Try to do more than necessary--oh, wait that already happens!
5. The Best "Life" Advice is: Patience is a virtue.

It's a happening world and we are part of that WORLD WIDE WORLD and ain't it fun?!!

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............