I've already downloaded a few patterns that will work; and I'm digging through my yarn stash to see what I have to make these wearables. I'm thinking I could use different techniques and learn new skills while helping someone in need.
The following is the information:
SOLID black, gray, navy, brown, dark green, and red winter hats, scarves and pairs of gloves primarily for men but some can be in unisex patterns to accommodate women.
All items must be suitable for people who are living outdoors in rain and snow.
In total, we need enough hats, scarves and gloves for 1,200 adults.
These items will be equally divided between the three following organizations:
Homeless Bus https://www.facebook.com/
New York City Relief https://www.facebook.com/
NJ Food & Clothing Rescue https://www.facebook.com/
We need your donations by November 1st, 2016.
Have a question? Please inbox us privately.
Do not post questions here. We will probably not see them.
***NOTE: Be sure to include your e-mail address in all shipments in case we need to ask you a question.
Thank you.
Please send all hats, scarves, gloves to:
Emily's Hats For Hope Initiative
PO Box 2374
Morristown, NJ 07962-2374