Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Cooking with the Bear!

Have you heard about The Bear?  

Although, I’d heard about this, I just ignored it for the longest time.  After all, The Bear is a series on Hulu streaming service, which we didn’t have—definitely a moot point then. 
Later this summer, we subscribed to Hulu —still didn’t think much about it.  Plugged in one day and there it was!! The Bear! Watched the first episode and I was hooked! 
Your mouth can water from seeing delicious foods being
Prepared!  Yum!  Yum!!
And then
The one recipe being talked about on many blogs—spaghetti pomodoro!!  
So simple in preparation and looked so delicious—I decided “it’s what’s for dinner” tonight
And the best thing, I had all supplies on hand! 

On our last visit to Costco, I grabbed a bag of fresh garlic 

My garden still had basil growing

There was a can of San Marzona tomatoes in the pantry

For pasta, I decided on sprialized zucchini

Basil and garlic are steeped in olive oil, in bottom pan
Top pan is onion cut in half simmered in butter
Following the sparse directions, everything is combined in one pot and out comes 

The most delicious sauce ever! 
I watched a number of you tube videos and blogs about
This simple recipe and want to thank the person or persons who conceived this delight as well as all the other foods featured on the series.   
Off to watch another episode of delightful food combined with drama/comedy.  I’m liking The Bear!


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