Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Cooking with the Bear!
Sunday, September 24, 2023
What In The world??? How can it be September 24 already!!?? Yesterday it was July and we jump into September just like that—no way!
It dawned on me—those socks for hubby I haven’t finished knitting yet and winter will be knocking on the door soon—-NO—I’m not ready—aargh! Can I even find those socks that were begun in the spring, when I thought there was plenty of time to knit them?
The other day I went to renew my state driver’s license—I gathered all the documents that were required—birth certificate, passport, social security card, current license—this was after an appointment was made three months in advance—appointment was the earliest possible as I’ve heard stories of long waits—not for me! I’m going to take the first time available—8 AM! Which means, early rise, leave house early to beat traffic—I’ll be there early, early! Put address in my navigation app and away I went! patting myself on the back—“you’re so smart to arrive in plenty of time” as there was not a car in the parking lot.
Okay, waiting 25 minutes and the place is still deserted! What the heck? What does everyone know that I don’t.
I’ll tell you what!! I was at the wrong location! Duh! No wonder no one was here. Looked up to see I was sitting about three blocks away from location at the New DPS instead of the old one. I wasn’t too clever after all—found right place, walked in way passed my appointment time, check in at kiosk, got my number (056)—oh great! 56 people in front of me!! Alas, my number was called after my Fanny hit the chair—ahhh, got a nice young man (almost everyone is younger than me now) who laughed with me when I told him I was waiting at the New location—bet he’ll have good laugh with his fellow workers after I leave!!
Anyway, that chore is finished for another 8 years or if that young man is right—A-I will take over and we’ll not need to make an appearance there again—don’t get me started on that topic!
Do I or don’t I? It’s haunting me—Blockheads #5! So far the block patterns are interesting—but, do I begin another project when I have four quilts to bind, two more table runners to complete, those dang wool socks for hubby, do I really need another challenge? And then there are all those gift baskets sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be transported to our great grandson’s benefit October 7!! Let me sleep on that decision—in the meantime, I’m hoping meantime, I’m printing the patterns each week and stashing them in my file folder for future reference.
I had my biannual med renewal with our doctor yesterday. The office was empty! Say what?? Do I have right day and time? Yes! I do as the assistant called yesterday to remind me. Sat for about five minutes and my name was called inside the inner sanctuary—a chat about my bill, which was marked delinquent!! No way! That was paid months ago! Of course, there goes my blood pressure! Consult with accounting—sorry, our mistake. That was paid but credited to husband’s name—Ho hum!
That is resolved! As I wait for PA, in she walks with NO mask! Who is this stranger? This is first time I’ve seen her face—her complete face—in three years! What a lovely face!
Life goes on…..
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Mistakes!! Everyone makes them one time or another! It is always how you correct the mistake that counts!
It seems I"m making more mistakes with my quilting--guess I'm not paying enough attention to what I"m doing.
I HAD a great idea the other day------one problem, I can't remember what it was today! I just know it was a GREAT idea! searching my brain--will let you know if I remember that idea! Another mistake--I didn't write it down immediately!!
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Say It's Fall Please!
The month of September brings fall activitites, cooler weather and fall leaves! And my mind turns to making that autumn leaf quilt top--this will be a table runner instead of a whole quilt top--well, let's hope! And I can almost complete all the season of table runners for the brown headed daughter.
It took some time to round out my list of scrappy leaf patterns. For the month of September, you can visit several designers who have created a free fall block--check it out here.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Season of Tablerunners?
The table runner was born in the Middle Ages, mainly because medieval folks were sloppy. The tablecloth was considered an aristocratic innovation, but it needed protection from lively and careless royal revelers who spilled, drooled and made a mess! No doubt, the wise women responsible for laundering linens came up with the innovative idea for the table runner in an effort to save the tablecloths from unnecessary laundering. Napkins were also invented because it was no longer considered acceptable to wipe your mouth on the tablecloth.
These ingenious long, narrow pieces of cloth now known as “table runners” were placed over the tablecloths. They were gathered up at the end of the meal for washing and the tablecloths remained intact and clean. The table runner along with tablecloths became fixtures in everyone’s collection of linens by the 15th century.
Diary of a Quilter
Most table runners come in standard widths such as 10, 12, 13, 14 or 15 inches and standard lengths such as 54, 72, 90 and 108 inches. If you have a dining table that is 84 inches long and 42 inches wide (7 feet by 3.5 feet), you would need a table runner with the dimensions of 14 inches by 108 inches.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Digging For Treasures!
When we moved Mother into assisted living, we had to vacate her house—that was 6 years ago. She is 103 now and non verbal, so I can’t ask her any questions about items we removed from her house. I’m really sorry I didn’t talk to her earlier. We bundled up many things and carried to our location, six hours from her Assisted Living Facility- I’ve not taken much time to look into what we have until recently
This is a well worn book! Don’t know that it was used often—mother was never a great cook—only decent. She did feed us kids and our father. Can’t complain too much.
Her meal plan was simple—Saturday nights we had bbq hamburgers that she cooked on stove. Meat loaf!! Oh my! Lots of meat loaf! And to this day I will not eat or make meat loaf! And Spam! Oh yes, lots of spam and potted meat sandwiches!
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Are you a Blockhead????
Dictionary says a blockhead is bonehead, chump, dolt, dummy, dunce, and fool.and included is not smart! Well, I'm hurt as I'm not a blockhead when it comes to working with the blockheads, which mean something total different in quilters' language--I'M very smart as I'm planning on being a real BH along with many others.
NOPE! These blockheads are building BLOCKS for a quilt top!
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Laboring on Labor Day?
Hopefully, your Labor Day weekend hasn’t included physical labor but fun laboring! The last hurrah of the summer leading us into a delightful fall. It’s time to spend with family having some laboringly good fun!!
Sloooow Stitching!
What is slow stitching? Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...
As someone who has participated in Mardi Gras parades, let me tell you this is ONE PARTY! There is nothing like being there in perso...
So you have a few small blocks just sitting idly by and you don't know what to do with them. Then try this method, Potholder Quilts or ...
Thank goodness, on our Costco trip today, I didn't find one single book that I wanted to read,........ BUT, that doesn't mean I...