Monday, February 27, 2023


 Finally!  I received my EEW--this little thing is kind of creepy in some ways!  It's tiny but packs as punch with it's power!  I'm talking about EEW Nano 2--an electric spinning wheel that is affordable and travelable!

From this photo you can't really determine how small it is.

Here is the story:  last spring an enabler friend, who shall remain anonymous (Nancy)  told me about a Kickstarter program-- to get on the list to purchase one of these handy dandy wheels.  At first, I thought I don't really need another wheel or drop spindle, but for the price of $100 how could I go wrong with an electric wheel!  So after a few days of thinking it over, I pulled the plug and ordered the wheel--as any good kickstarter programs, you need to make the number set for manufacturing,  

Finally!!  the number required to make it a GO was reached--yay!  I was going to receive an EEW within the next few months.

Then out of mind, I forgot about the whole thing until the email arrived--"your EEW will be shipped in October" good news!  I watched the mail for that special arrival.
Since we travel often, My son's mailing address was given.  

Finally!  the notice came that my package was delivered to his mailbox!!
He goes to this mailbox--but, no packages.  He had one to be delivered also--both not there
not delivered!   A report was made to post office--they would check it out--but, no package appeared anytime--
big, sigh--I was not receiving the EEW I ordered.  I figured if a person took the package would have no idea what it was and in the trash it would go!  My son and I were both disappointed Big Time!!

Here we are, several months down the road and I kept thinking about that little wheel-- the money was refunded—I looked at the website--Dreaming Robots--and YES!  The EEW was still available for order--of course, it was a little more money, but no care for me!  I ordered one!  and this time, I received it!
The first thing I did after reading the instructions was to ply my singles handspun  cotton yarn--small but 
mighty! Is this machine!!

I'm having fun!!  

Friday, February 24, 2023

OH! Darn!

Yes—got to Darn something!  It just happens to be hubby’s sock that I knit from my handspun wool.  Needless, to say—this handspun yarn is long gone, but I found a suitable wool to use to patch the hole that his big toe made.

It took me some time to finally darn it— this is the least of my favorite things to do!  Well, actually it’s not on my favorite list at all!
I remembered the darning egg my friend gifted me many moons ago—just perfect to slip into the sock up to the hole and darn away!1
What’s a darning egg? 

Darning is a sewing technique for repairing holes or worn areas in fabric or knitting using needleand thread alone. It is often done by hand, but it is also possible to darn with a sewing machine. Hand darning employs the darning stitch, a simple running stitch in which the thread is "woven" in rows along the grain of the fabric, with the stitcher reversing direction at the end of each row, and then filling in the framework thus created, as if weaving. Darning is a traditional method for repairing fabric damage or holes that do not run along a seam, and where patching is impractical or would create discomfort for the wearer, such as on the heel of a sock.

I guess I’d better knit him another pair of socks before winter returns—that gives me about five months to finish. I have the perfect wool too!  Some that is well aged!  This yarn was bought during one of our many trips to UK when our daughter and family lived near Manchester—I just couldn’t stay away from my grand babies!  I was always popping into a yarn shop, a book shop, or a charity shop to see what was available.   One visit to charity shop, I found a treasure—a package of blue wool yarn!! And that is the yarn which will be knit into hubby’s socks!

I'm searching my stash of sock patterns--want something plain, easy to knit--he doesn't care for design elements, which suits me just fine.
And here is the perfect pattern for this yarn!  Wool-ease sock pattern--FREE--great price too!


Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Our second little great grandson has been born!! And immediately placed in NICU—where he’ll reside for several weeks.  His pediatric doctors will assess his condition of CDH and decide when to do surgery to repair his diaphragm.  

This is his "crib" for awhile--he has the greatest attention any newborn could receive--at the present time, he is incubated,  He weighted 5 lbs.6 oz and 18.9" in length at birth. 
His name has been some concern to us!  

 For weeks they called him "JD" but only the parents knew what the initals would stand for.
Finally, in the hospital room as we were visiting Mommy and Daddy, we learned his name to be placed on the birth certificate--JD = Jerry Daniel--he is named for his paternal grandfather (Jerry) and his great grandfather (Daniel--this brought tears to my hubby's eyes)
From the time I learned she was pregnant, I called her precious cargo--"Jelly Bean"
and I think that name will stick with him.
I can't imagine how my granddaughter felt after his birth when she saw all the nurses and doctors surrounding him--as she did not get to hold him or touch him!  They placed him in his crib, walked past her, directly to the NICU bear pod.  She thought he would be placed in giraffe pod but being in the bear pod is just as good.

Great grandfather and I were thrilled that we could visit him in the bear pod--he is surrounded by attentive nurses and doctors--I admit I had to cry when I saw him--so tiny and helpless--so sweet though with the Grace of God shining down on him!
Mommy finally got to visit and touch her son-- my heart aches to think of those mothers who carried
their child in their womb but unable to hold and kiss their tiny foreheads once birthed.

The mom and dad did as I suggested--sleep with the blanket I knitted and give to the nurses, who told them that any thing they would like, could be placed in the crib with him--he has a whole little corner to post photos, place mementos to surround him with love.

His other grandparents gave him stuffed bears!!  appropriate for the Bear Pod!
He is definitely surrounded by much love. 
If you believe in the power of pray, please say one for JD—he has had a few rough patches to overcome. 


Friday, February 17, 2023

Lent Meditations

 Lent is fast approaching and if you would like to participate in a special way to appreciate this special time of the year, here is one way.  Beginning, February 20th, Victoria Methodist Church in Bristol, UK is running Lent Mystery Knitalong. Participants will receive weekly documents containing daily knitting clues and accompanying reflections/meditations written especially by Ministers and worship leaders from the Bristol area and beyond.

the knitting clues will be released on the following dates:

Monday 20th February
Friday 24th February
Friday 3rd March
Friday 10th March
Friday 17th March
Friday 24th March
Friday 31st March

Due to the mystery nature of the knitalong, photos of the completed scarf will not be added on this pattern page until Easter, so as not to spoil the surprise for those working on it!

This knitalong is very much a team effort; big thanks to the seven reflection writers, and others who participated to make sure this knit along will go smoothly.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Step In Right Direction!

 Into February and I’m taking a step in the right direction!  I finished knitting this

Once I got into the pattern, it was smooth sailing! 
I know—two different yarn colors—in my defense, this pattern was begun at each end to meet in the middle so why not have different color in the middle!!?
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!!

I blocked it on these handy dandy snap together puzzle pieces—works well.  

Now, onto the next adventure to finish this one—
It was paused on September month—should be a breeze to finish !  
Which I did--finished that darn lingering scarf!  photo doesn't do it justice--but it's on the way to being blocked!
and the other unfinished one I had looked at and thought about for so long!  It's no longer on the needles--I made the decision that I didn't really want to knit on it any longer--so I pulled off the stitches, wound the balls of yarn and will wait for another inspiration to come along!
Relief!  That feels so good!  Nothing pressing for me to complete no UFOs in the yarn closet!
On to better and brighter decisions--

Friday, February 10, 2023

Gems in a Plastic Jar

Earlier, I wrote about common placed things.  There is that plastic mixed nuts jar that is filled with 'gems'!

These "gems' filled that jar!  These are spun silk singles--although, there are a few that have been plied.  These yarns have been common place for several years--I stored these tiny balls in one place--last week, when I decided to look in the jar, I was flooded with memories from friends past.

I spun these on my spindles--some I wound off onto cardboard but others were wound into balls- easier to take off the spindle when full.

This is one of my favorite spindles--it's not the only favorite--I have many, many spindles that I've left to become common placed--they sit prettily in a glass jar on a studio shelf.  Oh, how I've missed them!

THis is the top of the spindle--when the gal went out of business, we decided to make our own--not so pretty but useful anyway.  One day down the road, I'll give you directions to create these lovely little lollipop spindles!  For now, I just want to cherish the little perious balls of silk!

Mostly, I like to spindle spin silk roving (I prefer Bombyx silk), but these have been spun on the wheel  I like to use these fibers for embroidery-- Sure, the wheel does spin

faster, but I like to drop that spindle with the silk thread dangling from the spindle!  Such joy!  Look at this lucious fiber!  I'm afraid it has become common place in my fiber closet--so glad I noticed it again!!
The lighter silk balls were dyed with Easter egg dyes.  I buy the dyekits after Easter when they go on sale.  Easy to dye with--I use silk roving/sliver, wetted good, soaked in vinegar; dissolve the dye tables in vinegar and pour over the silk--you can also use cake dyes or food coloring dyes--just rinse well.  Most often, the fiber soaks up the dye and the water runs clear.  Set the dye in the dyepot for 30-45 minutes on low heat

One spinning instructor said single thin silks can be plied 3 or 4 to make a larger yarn.  That is what I did with these--no rhyme or reason to colors--it somehow comes out just fine.
You can see how the yarns will knit or weave faster when plied with three or more singles,
NOw, I'm on a journey to study how to use these little gems.  I could use them on the loom--too tedious!  I do use some for embroidery; can't knit into hats or gloves--not giving enough.  I've done several scarves so that could be one outlet to show off these silks.
Research here I come!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


 Oh WOW!  Sunday was definitely a day for Baby stuff!  Our granddaughter was honored by her friends with a beautiful baby shower!  A little aside here:  our friend, Mike, who is oldest of nine!  asked his mom if she had a baby shower--her reply, " I was always pregnant and had no need for a shower--just passed along the clothes to the next baby"!  I though so true in those times--now, we have these elaborate parties--which is great for first time Mother's.  I understand for the second baby it's a 'sprinkle!  wonder what it's called for a third or fourth?  Probably--Ignored!

We had a lovely day--good weather and lots of friends and delicious food to boot.  Baby's due date as been set as February 20.

My gifts always include these receiver blankets.  Mom said baby's room would be decorated with dinosaurs -I made one for dad's favorite hobby--cars! I did make one with 🦕 
At least, these are looking friendly and loveable.

Mom's favorite is giraffes 🦒 --and by chance, baby JD will be rooming in the giraffe NICU nursery!  Oh how cool is that.
I ordered a package of onesies and my friends volunteered to tie dye them as they were doing some dinner napkins

I think they turned out terrific!  We also gave baby a "Go With Me" seat.  It is one we gave first great grand baby and he loves it so do the parents--goes everywhere with them.
Go With Me
And instead of greeting cards, a book was requested from each gift giver--and as always, I give this book to mothers of boys--it is so appropriate!  "Love you Forever!"  Definitely!
Two of my other favorites are 
All the books in this series are super reading books!

and this one is a hoot!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

I Heart You!

 February is Heart Month! in more ways than one!  Valentine's Day is special appreciation day for those we love or HEART!  So, in order to honor those we love, let's make it special every day!

Moda Fabrics is offering a special designer series throughout the month of February--Handmade Heart A Day!  How great is that?!  Even if you don't keep up with each day's offering--maybe, save those instructions for next year or another special occassion. 

I Heart You!  I need a home!   This project is awesome!  I finally made some Hearts to be place radomly around my traveling area.  When I see a note on FB about someone finding a Heart--it is always someone who was in need of finding that heart at that moment!  What better way to use my talents to make someone feel better?!

I made mine from hand-dyed, hand printed fabric that I've collected for years.  Instead of leaving to 'age' for another 10 years, I cut that fabric into heart shapes!  It was the most gratifing experience!  It only took a few minutes to complete a heart--added some trinkets that I have in my stash.
Now, to find the perfect spot to place them.
Do you need a home for your heart?  Then this is the location for you.  It was uplifting to make just these few hearts and now the fun begins to place the hearts in public view.

There They Go!

 Throughout the year, I’ve been knitting hats amongst the regular clues of knit alongs.  It has been a pleasure to knit these various patter...