Sunday, February 27, 2022

Just another day!

Just another day—only this day was filled with hearts!
I’ve made so many hearts, I could sew them up in my sleep! 
I "heart' heart quilts!!

This is just a few heart blocks for this quilt--
Together Quilt by Sheri Quilts
There are only 5 more heart blocks to construct but then there are all those inset blocks to cut and sew--hopefully, this will be completed by next February.

More hearts are coming with this pattern from Fat Quarter Shop, which is 2022 charity quilt for March of Dimes.
Heartfelt Quilt is already on the website with several items to download--
of course, I'll be making more hearts with this sew along--a great charity to help.
Here comes another day of sewing hearts to make it a just another day!
Which I LOVE!!


Friday, February 25, 2022

Spuddling along!

 Word of the day:  Spuddle (17th century--true today!) to work ineffectively, to be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing!

Boy, isn't that the truth today!  I'm spuddling along with these:

Round Robin--I really want to use these other blocks--
SAHRR--Stay at home round robin--each week a different designer would give
their thoughts on what the next round should be--

I was okay at the beginning with round one with curved, then the next step I gave in
to my improv work--I had all these blocks already made--why not incorporate them?
I had signature blocks from early 2000's--those went on for round 3. 
Round 4 was to be something I didn't want to deal with either--so added small 4" blocks
that were waiting in the wings and now--round 5--I really want to use the chicken blocks--
still spuddling along with how to fill in the empty spaces.

Tuning My Heart has a wonderful row by row MAL and so far, I've kept up--then this month, the posted pattern was BIRDS!  These are tiny little birds with lots of pieces!.. Good directions were
given to create these tiny birds, but part of me just can't wrap my head around all those
tiny parts and keeping track of them--again organization is needed!

So far, I"ve spent more time trying to create a bigger bird pattern--if I'd just got to those tiny pieces, I could have a whole row of tiny birds by now!  But, NO!  I want bigger birds--and guess what--
that takes me down rabbit holes when I get on a blog, then follow another blog 
and in time, three or four hours has passed and once again,
I've spuddled my time away!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Hands To Help

Hands2Help is a comfort quilt challenge started by Sarah of Confessions of Fabric Addict blog--this is an opportunity for quilters from all corners of the country and many countries, to make
and donate comfort quilts in various sizes.  This is the 12th year of the challenge.
You can make as many quilts as you like, but this challenge only asks of you to make
and donate One quilt, any size by June 1, 2022

Suggestions where to donate:

Numerous groups in your own local area too-- You could also make and donate to
your neighbor in need; hospitals, churchs, etc.  Give from your heart and hands!

Everyone likes to try a new pattern and these will be shared with you from blog of
The Academic Quilter--tutorials for easy and stress free quilts on February 27 and March 6.
Guest bloggers will share their own easy, stress free patterns and advice on
April 3, April 10, April; 24, May 1 and May 8

Alycia Quilts is hosting Quilt of Valor--one of my favorite people
giving us clues for a quilt to donate to veterans.  Join in for a stress free
quilt top pattern


Monday, February 21, 2022

whole other language!

Word of the day:  lackadaisical--lacking spirit, liveliness or interest!!

That's what happend for 3 years!!  lost interest in knitting this pattern.  and what did I do?
of course, get the MKAL for 2020, 2021, 2022--why miss out?  These patterns can be additive--so say me!

Another reason why it went on the back shelf for this long--
those CHARTS speak another language!  And once, I'm away for awhile, it takes
some time to learn that language again.

I like the way this began--in fact, I liked it so much, I did it over and over at least 3 times
before I was satisfied with the look of the yarn I was using.  And then the beads!  that's
another language all together!  What bead (THAT I have on hand--not going to
order more beads!) to use--I think my first choice with blue wasn't the right
choice--so going to hunt up some red beads!
No, I'm not going to unknit to replace those blue beads you can hardly see,
but start adding red beads or something brighter when the next CHART
adds them.

I bet you can see where I left off and I began again--the tension is so OFF!
I'm sticking to this pattern and hopefully, I can get it knitted up sometime this
year--I've almost  conquered this language--Again!


Saturday, February 19, 2022

Must Be Organized!

How organized are you?  Sometimes I am and with this pattern—you really need to be organized—really organized!

Looks pretty doesn’t it?  I thought so—just didn’t give much thought on how to sew this thing up!

Actually, it takes some time and much organizing to keep things in order—step one—take fat quarters and cut them into 6” squares—make sure to label each set

Step two, cut each square across—be sure to label each group
Step three, pair each triangle with its mate and sew 1/4” 

Step four, square each set—I love this ruler!! Makes it easier to square, then press—keep in order please!!
It’s slow going—being organized!!
In order to keep each block in place, I marked the number of row and place in row on the seam

This way hopefully I’ll keep rows organized 

Row C and D assembled-working on A and B
If you want more info on how to construct this top, check out Musings of a Menopausal Melon


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Quilters Delight

 It was a good day!  The day our group of quilters gathered after a long period of time!  Such joy to see those faces again!!

We meet in Judy’s studio.  She always has some interesting work around the room.  Quilt on the left is one of Pat Sloan’s BOM—right one is embroidered with piecing. 
Annette has brought her flower garden pattern to show.  She has been working on these blocks for many months

Close up look—quite smashing!

Just brings out her hexagon top.  These are always a labor of hand stitching, sit, relax and make a few hexies

Judy has added a bias vine around her edges

And will add leaves which she has constructed 

With this fine backing

Called whisper lite

A bag of leaves sewn and turned

Annette also had couple other tops to show—this one with 1.5” squares

A baby to ready to quilt

And this beauty!  Such small pieces!

And how about this one?!!  She was quite busy during our lock down time

She said this one took no time at all!  After all those small blocks, this one was a dream to piece!
It was a joyous day of sharing happy news; techniques.  Comforting one who received a loss with hugs of love. 
Hopefully, our group will be able to continue on 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Time to take stock of what's in the sewing room and on the cutting table.  

Finally, finished!  this was a real challenge--small pieces galore! It was American Quilters Stitch along, designed by Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings.  Soon it will be quilted on the long arm, once I decide on backing.
20 blocks of pure patriotic colors--some of the little blue blocks I enjoyed making 

while others were a pain in the tush!

Still-yes, still! chugging out these winter blocks from 2020 Countdown to Christmas.

Every December Moda Bake Shop Bakers group on facebook enjoy a new
pattern each day--I began this challenge in January 2021--so still working on it.
I will cut out a block or two and when I have a chance to sit to sew, it's ready to go!

And this one is waiting in the wings--ready to sew hearts; 

Happy stitching y'all!


Sunday, February 13, 2022

PUrge Out point two!

It was time to purge the guest room bedroom closet !  What will we find? 

Forgotten cross stitch photos, stitched by brown head daughter in late 1980's.  She didn't sign the piece--what a shame I didn't ask her to put her initials on the beautiful piece.
This piece is also done by the same daughter.  There are also couple of pieces by blond headed daughter--love all these handworks so I'll find a good wall to place them again.

I've a storage bin where I kept all my name tags from every event, every convention, every conference -some of the tags are just printed on paper then slipped into a plastic sleeve.  It's amazing how many events I attended throughout the years.  This name tag above was a good thought at the time when there were only 20 attending but then when we gained more attendees, we gave the person the instructions along with the supplies to make the name tag for themselves--guess how many followed through?  Not many. 
The idea was to print name, etc on sticky label to put on the bottom of this name tag--okay, that idea went to the wayside.  I still have proof that we tried!

Some of the organizations where I served on boards as an officer presented elaborate name tags and even two gave me small quilts--these will be saved for sure.

How may save their ribbons from exhibits or fashion shows!??  Well, I did!
Out they go--nobody cares about these ribbons; although, I do have the photos proving I was honored to win these ribbons.

Alot of the name tags will be saved just because they are fancy--some have elaborate hangers.
I can tell you that I spent better part of the afternoon fingering each name tag and remembering the event and the people who were involved.
Onto another closet for purge out!!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...