Sunday, August 30, 2020

Tour de France = Tour de Fleece

 Stage one of the Tour de France began yesterday, August 29--just a little late posting about this-- this year has been crazy as you know.  Usually Tour de France is early in the summer but was postponed, as many other events.  

We as spinners like to 'run' this race in the hot days of early summer, but here we are going into September.  Jump on board--spinn as much as you can, as often as you can--doesn't matter if it's just 10 minutes every day or every other day--JUST DO IT!  And if you can, watch come of the race as you treadle.  

I find myself treadling harder and faster as some of the stages of the race!  Funny, how you can get caught up in the action!  Here are couple of things you can do with your spinning--check out Tour de Fleece on FAcebook, talk to other spinners, show your progress and if you want play bingo

Some of us spun during the regular scheduled time of the event, even though I like watching the race on those days (actually, I would watch on the recap times).  Above all--enjoy your wheel and your fiber!

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