Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Doodle Cloth

Do you Doodle??  

YES!  There are videos for doodles!  I usually doodle if my brain is in overload or someone is lecturing--it's a way to not think about what your fingers are doing.  But, my doodles don't look like the above!

IN hand embroidery, a doodle cloth is usually an extra piece of fabric that you keep on hand,
to practice embroidery stitches on before you apply those stitches to am embroidery project.  A good idea if you are a beginner and want to see how your stitches will look.

REasons for doodle cloth:

  1. Practice makes perfect
  2. A doodle cloth saves your project
  3. A doodle cloth creates a record
  4. This doodle cloth can become a project!
And it opens up possibilities for endless projects--one stitch becomes another stitch and so on and so on.
I love these handy ways to learn as you stitch!

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