Friday, August 21, 2020

Harvest time!

In our area of Texas Hill Country, it's time to harvest the grapes! If your winery is plush with money, then you can use one of these machines--

So many of the wineries in this area are small family owned vineyards, so they use volunteers to walk through the vines and clip by hand.  Early morning around sunrise, we don our hats, gloves and grab our shears--off we go!

 Semillon grape was our first pick of the morning.  Each row is marked at the front with one of the markers--so we wouldn't pick the wrong rows.  Of course, it wasn't hard to  decide either--as the nets were taken off!  The nets are placed over the ripe grapes so birds will not eat those nice juicy bites.
These little clusters grow around anything in their way--not easy to find their fix state.
These are Tannat variety--so lovely!

Found a bird's nest among the vines--with couple of Tannat grapes!

Image may contain: people standing, plant, tree, sky, outdoor and nature
Hubby is in the background working his row--look how long those rows--
it seemed the rows just got longer and longer!
Okay--after 5 hours, we had harvested 5 tons of grapes!
Must wait now for the juice to become wine!

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