Wednesday, April 29, 2020

For Our Vets Comfort

During these days when we all need some comfort and warmth from the outside dings--here is a way to make your days fuller and also give to a military person.  Groups,io has a group that ventures to the world of fabric and sewing adventure.

 The first two clues were posted--easy to sew to make 13.5" block--there are 9 blue blocks and 4 red blocks.  I cut all at once, then got some of them mixed up--in the end all blocks came together!
Using up my stash--once we come out on the other end of this 'shut-in' phase, 
I'll feel good about buying more fabric!!
I decided to use gold for the sashing and random spacer blocks--
Setting on point is not my favorite way --

I've added my triangle points--going to trim and then add borders

Think I did a good job getting corners to meet :-) 
And off it goes to the Chair of Quilt of Valor for quilting!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Here A Niddy, There A Noddy

Sounds like a nursery rhyme--just  piece of equipment every spinner uses
in their spinning adventures 

As I was wanting a niddy noddy to wind my yarn on--I found this one!
not sure where I got it--maybe a gift--it fits neatly together but
not easy to use for winding yarn; slips and doesn't stay separate

It does store nicely though. and winds a 1/2 yard around--easy to count yardage.
One on the right is my pretty niddy noddy!  Just love this delicate one--the pin pulls out to disassemble.  The one on the left is my oldest niddy noddy--I've had it for years--
it will wind two yards--
I placed them together just to see the difference in size. I know I have a couple more somewhere--but they are in hiding now.
Now, if you are wondering what is a niddy noddy--
niddy-noddy (plural niddy-noddies[1]) is a tool used to make skeins from yarn. It consists of a central bar, with crossbars at each end, offset from each other by 90°. The central bar is generally carved to make it easier to hold.[2] Either one of the crossbars will have a flat edge to allow the skein to slide off, or will be completely removable. Niddy-noddies can be constructed of many different materials including wood, metal, and plastic. Wood is traditional, and most quality niddy-noddies are still made of wood. Budget spinners occasionally use niddy-noddies made from PVC pipes.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Finally--Agatha For The Win.............................

Finally!  I need some Agatha!
Time to do some mindless knitting, fix a cocktail, sit back and

The Audiobook can be found here.
E-book can be found here.
And you can find the movie on Youtube!

Stones of Tintagel is the pattern I choose--would look nice for a man wearing
a brown suit!  It is basic seed stitch, knit lengthwise--cast on number of stitches
you think that would be long enough and go for it!
change colors as suits your fancy.
This one was designed by Catherine Ann Sheridan

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Can't Stop.................

Wish I could knit 24 hours a day!  There are so many great FREE patterns
available now for us house bound folks.
Here are just a few I'm going to try and work into my day-

Designed by Nikki Ross Patterson-- love me some socks!
This is a pattern that is suitable for top down or toe-up construction. Knitters can use their preferred toe and heel construction, and I have provided helpful links to different heel and toe treatments.
Stitches used are Knit, Purl, Yarn Over, SSK, and K2tog. Toe-up construction will need M1L and M1R. Pattern is both written and charted for each size. Please note that even though the stitch pattern includes Yarn Overs, it is still suitable for men OR women.
The sock is available in 4 sizes:
Teen fingering/Adult sport,
Adult Medium,
Adult Large
Materials: Fingering weight yarn, 400-460 yards to 100 grams (56-stitch Adult Sport requires 200-250 yds)
Needles US size 1 (2.25mm) for fingering weight or size US 3 (3.25mm) for sport weigh

Another mystery designed by Nikki Ross Patterson

Suitable for a solid, color-changing, subtly patterned yarn, or scraps if they will do approximately 5 rows.
Mystery Item is One Size Fits Most teen - adult, and Unisex suitable. Possibly could be made to fit a middler child if done in DK weight with size 4 (3.25mm) needles.
Gauge isn’t crucial, but must be ballpark to ensure fit. Go up or down a needle size or move up to Aran or down to Worsted weight if necessary to ensure fit. DPNs recommended, but will work on a 16” circular, though DPNs will be needed for decreases.
The project will take almost the entire skein of yarn. If you want a pom-pom, I would wait to make it until after the rest of the items are knitted, it ensure you will have enough yarn to finish the knitting.
Specific, easy-to-follow instructions take the worry out of construction, and so this pattern could probably be knitted by a fairly new knitter.
Stitches used in hat include: Knit and purl, K2tog, SSK, P2tog, Sk2P, and also M1L, and M1R.
Road Trip designed by Christy Becker--
What fun! Found on Ravelry, of course
Little detours and car damage have all been worked out. But, until it is all polished and while we are all staying safe at home, you can enjoy this pattern for free!
Stay home, save lives, knit on and smile!
Your gauge may vary and so will the size. Adjust your needle size to achieve a fabric you like! If you are using yarn from your stash, you can easily rearrange your colors as you travel along.
I recommend 250 to 300 yards of each.
Color A = Dark
Color B = a medium Pop
Color C = Light (you may like a tonal, tweed or lightly variegated

‘Katie’s Kep’ is a free pattern from Shetland Wool Week, which has
been designed by Wool Week Patron Wilma Malcolmson
I  don't do much intarsia knitting but love the looks of this one!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Meal Plans........................Retro!

Most days I don't mind cooking--just hate to think of WHAT to cook!
Someone give me a suggestion and I'm okay to step into the kitchen.

Getting bored we cleaned out some of the boxes in the garage and I found this cookbook that
was mother's.  We moved her into Assisted Living five years ago and some of her things were just 
stored away--there were several old cookbooks in her kitchen--mostly, ones
that you wouldn't use today as our cooking has evolved from the days of
molded Jello!  This book is from 1952 when we lived in Georgia
Let's Go Retro................

Look what I found!  Menu plans!!  Oh joy--could I adapt these plans to our meals now?
It plans out breakfast, lunch (dinner) and supper for a whole week!!
And the book contains all the recipes indicated!
I could do stuffed tomato with tuna salad or
creamed chicken on toast or
Stuffed Frankfurters with mustard sauce!  
and I love the idea of lemon refrigerator pie!! 

And here is some retro cooking music for your enjoyment!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Walk Through the Pasture

It's always a pleasure to go into the country, which we have been doing often
as we assist our daughter on her ranch.  She has a slipped disc and there are many
days she can't lift or bend--we are there to feed the animals and enjoy the
country air.
This day I took a walk through the pasture and found many wildflowers--
thank goodness, she hasn't been able to mow either--so everything is still
growing--wildly, she says!

Her chickens are happy as they wander through the grass and flowers--
take a walk with me as I enjoy the spring time as nature intended! 

Friday, April 17, 2020

And The Fun Continues...........................

Home Sweet Home!  designed by 
You can find the tutorial HERE  I took a workshop with Laura
at one of the Colorado Quilters Events--lots of fun--
best part is the colorful fabrics you use.
And HERE is where you find the supply list

This begins TODAY!  
Another project to add to my list from Pam Buda--
Sweet!!  Little runner!!
"Her scrappy little runner, Safe Keeping, will begin this coming Friday 4/17.  I'll post each of the four blocks in four consecutive weeks with the 'big 'reveal the fifth week. "

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WIP--Or Off The Needles

I can call this one FINISHED!  Done!  well, not complete--needs to be quilted--
so glad to have this one off my project list!  This was a difficult pattern--many
mistakes written or drawn--I took lots of liberties with this.

Off the needles--FLG (Fingerless Gloves) for March--
Cloudburst pattern by Ariene Grey--fun to knit--
Moving along with this hat--easy to knit; just get bored with it so move on to something else--
not a good idea! 

This is April's set of blocks from Kathleen Tracy's small quilt group on Facebook--these may look 
like 12" or 6" blocks--But they are not!  Next month we'll set them together!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Naked As A.............................................................

Do you have a Naked TeaPot??
I do--in fact, many naked ones--
and I love teapots! and teacups!

During my younger days, I collected teapots and cups--such fun and then..............I ran out of room
This isn't all my pots by far--several more sit in my kitchen waiting for that special pot of tea to be made and poured!

I am ready for this mystery knit along so my teapots won't be naked anymore!
Here! is where you can sign up--begins April 13th-
Further info here and it's free if you join now and collect the clues before end of May!

Saturday, April 11, 2020


NOw we are on 'lock down', we are cleaning closets, cabinets, storage bins--anything to keep ourselves sane and busy--we have no routine anymore--don't know what day it is--everything blurs into another.  While sorting through my big file cabinet--I came across these old Warp and Weft booklets, published by Robin and Russ back in the day!  Oh, what joy to see them again!  to turn the pages, remember when!

It's a sad time too--remembering! 

Each month (except July and August) you were guaranteed a new Warp and Weft with a Sample too! 
Of course, they wanted to sell their yarn and they did have good prices on their yarn.
So missed!  But, I have these to read and re-read--maybe, throw on a warp. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Finally Did It!

Yes, I finally did it!  Cut off that Laurel tree (Bay)!  It had grown so
unruly and so tall--I wanted to keep it as a bush but it got 
away from me.  Besides, there are lots of 'suckers' coming up
around the base of the trunk.

Now, I have a TON of bay leaves to sort through and dry--
I usually give them to my friends as they use them in their
kitchen/bath room cabinets to keep away bugs--

Naturally letting them dry--stuff into bags and will have a gift
for each friend that would like.
Since I had all these leaves, why not try to use them in dyeing?
I had some silk scarves (that I found when stash diving!)
laid them out with an assortment of leaves
I don't think I know what I'm doing--just wingin' it!  and success is not forthcoming.
Doesn't mean I'll not do anymore only I'll do more research!

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...