Saturday, September 29, 2018

Autumn Is In The Air!!

It's time to open the windows and enjoy that
cool fall air--well, I'm wishing for that cool fall
air to flow through my windows--but, alas,
we live in the South where Fall is a sprinkling of a day
or two.
The calendar reads "Fall"--doesn't matter, we can
keep our fingers crossed for that one day of cooler air
I've been rummaging through my yarns--amazing what I find

These are a hodge podge of spun yarns--some are
cotton singles, some are silk singles .
It's a good day to take the spinning wheel to the patio and
try to catch that breeze!

Pale color and good match for each other
I'll ply them together to have cotton/silk blend two ply

This one ball was already plied--we'll call her the "mother"
of the these yarns.

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