Saturday, September 29, 2018

Autumn Is In The Air!!

It's time to open the windows and enjoy that
cool fall air--well, I'm wishing for that cool fall
air to flow through my windows--but, alas,
we live in the South where Fall is a sprinkling of a day
or two.
The calendar reads "Fall"--doesn't matter, we can
keep our fingers crossed for that one day of cooler air
I've been rummaging through my yarns--amazing what I find

These are a hodge podge of spun yarns--some are
cotton singles, some are silk singles .
It's a good day to take the spinning wheel to the patio and
try to catch that breeze!

Pale color and good match for each other
I'll ply them together to have cotton/silk blend two ply

This one ball was already plied--we'll call her the "mother"
of the these yarns.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Thought I'd Never Finish!!

For some projects, it seems to me, they just go on and on............
I finally finished! with Toni Lorenz's pattern--granted it begin
June 26 and here it is September, I guess it wasn't all that long
The pattern is Shetland Hap Meets Estonian--it's a lovely lace
pattern--you can find on Ravelry.

I knit with my handspun cotton and went for the smaller size--
so glad I did--if not, I would be knitting forever!!

It came to bind off and loosely was the requirement--
That is where you can get technical--looking at
different bind offs--first, there is Grandma's Favorite bind off
Which is a backward crochet, which I did for a few stitches--

Then tried Stretchy Bind off, which is knit off through back loop--
Both work okay--there are other bind offs but
This project has been bound off and is ready for 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Coming Along.......................

I began this Riley Blake Designs Quilt "Meet The Makers" of 2018
I love the look of the finished quilt--why begin another project when
you have 20+ waiting to be completed????? That's the question of
the time!
But, It's such a lovely quilt and I have fabric!
Just look at it!  Isn't this the prettiest thing you have ever seen?!
Well, almost!  It is lovely though! and right now I have 16 of the 
blocks done!! That's something to crow about, isn't it?

These are the first 8 blocks--I finally dug into my hand-dyed
fabrics--don't know why I was preserving them--they look
great in this block!

The second set of 8--done, finished--
well, of course, I don't have enough for the third set of 4--
do you hear that??  

Only 4 for the third set--

Along comes fourth block --
Love that video tutorials are given for each block and you
can stop and start where you need.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Halloween Mystery Quilt

The Quilting Company has taken away my sanity!
I love Halloween!  I love Fall!  I love anything with Orange!
But, doing this clue was not my favorite way of spending a day!

Doing Kaleidoscope is not easy; although we began with
these wedges: 
Seemed simple enough--until you put them together--
oh, the website has detailed descriptions, but somehow,
my hands went one way and my brain another!

Now, these turned out okay- I'm thinking for
the top one, I'll add a spider in the middle--that could
cover a multitude of uneven centers!
and the finished quilt,,,,,,,,,

Friday, September 21, 2018

Quilts of Compassion

You can also follow along on their Facebook page.

The Quilts of Compassion Disaster Response TEAM is currently monitoring Hurricane Florence. We are planning a deployment to the area!!! We will have detailed information once landfall has occurred and Tier 1 organizations have responded to assist with immediate needs of food, shelter, clothing and medical attention. Quilts of Compassion is considered a Tier 2 Disaster Response Organization that responds 6-12 weeks to an area AFTER all “basic needs” have been met, to assist with emotional healing and needs of communities devastated by natural disasters. Our TEAM arrives into areas after Tier 1 organizations have left and residents are faced with the magnitude of months/years of the recovery process ahead of them. We arrive at the most important time in the recovery process...when communities start to feel hopelessness and are completely overwhelmed with the recovery process. Our Disaster Response TEAM brings hope...lovingly delivering beautiful handmade quilts...on your behalf...DIRECTLY to those that have experienced loss due to natural disaster. Since 2011, we made 20 deployments to 43 communities in 13 states...delivering over 25,000 quilts that are generously donated by the quilting community!!!
How can you help?
We are accepting quilts of ALL sizes, as well as fleece and crocheted or knitted blankets. You may use any colors or pattern for men, women, children or infants. They must be in new condition and quilts may be quilted or tied. If they are tied it must be with pearled yarn. We are unable to accept rag quilts, quilts that are personalized with a specific name, are holiday or sports team specific, are in worn condition, smell like smoke, have pet hair or stained.
Quilt recipients LOVE to find out who made their quilt and what state or country it came from. Please add a quilt label with any information that you would like to pass along to the recipient. You may also include a hand written card. Please include the card in an unsealed envelope and safety pin in a ziploc baggie to the right hand top corner of the quilt.
If sending USPS, please send to:
Quilts of Compassion
Disaster Response TEAM
Hurricane Florence
POBox 350296
Toledo, OH 43635
If sending FedEx Ground or UPS, please send to:
Quilts of Compassion
Disaster Response TEAM
Hurricane Florence
8248 Deerpointe Drive
Toledo, OH 43617
PLEASE include your name, address, phone number and email address!!! We will confirm the receipt of your quilts via a phone call or email within 48 hours of receipt!!!
If you are a Quilt Shop that would like to partner with our Disaster Response TEAM as an official drop off location or you are interested in volunteering as a member of our Disaster Response Team, we would love to talk to you! Please call us at 419-708-9343 or send a private message through our FB page!!!
We will continue to keep you updated as Hurricane Florence makes landfall on Thursday & Friday. We are planning on having a live Facebook Forum this weekend with more info once landfall has been made. PLEASE keep those directly in the path of Hurricane Florence in your thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead!!!
Your donated quilts “Bring Hope & Encouragement” to those we lovingly serve at a critical time in the recovery process for those that have experienced devastating loss. We need your help to continue our commitment to selflessly serve the hurting, on your behalf...lovingly, faithfully and quilt at a time. 💗

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Autumn Love!

When I saw this pattern-I fell in LOVE!  After all, it is Autumn Love
by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet Blog

I love Autumn--anything with Autumn or Fall in the name is a winner
for me!
Besides, she does give a tutorial on each block on her blog--
what's to not like about that!

And She gives you a sewing guide to follow along--all you
lack are the simple shapes--I looked at this pattern for the
longest time--do I order the Simple Shapes?  
After all,
I have all the other Simple Shapes for her other patterns--
AND I never did the quilt...........

Was this different?  Would I order and then not follow

Well, guess what?  I ordered the Simple Shapes for
Autumn Love quilt--of course!

Most of it is applique and I do enjoy stitching--

Monday, September 17, 2018


A few Snippets lying around--just
a few small projects waiting to be finished and
 waiting for those UFO's to be completed
all by themselves!
I'm waiting for the magic sewing elves to appear
during the middle of the night and
when I wake--all will be done!

Alas, no elves appeared, so I soldiered on to work on 
these --the above is the latest (I've finished!) from Pat
Sloan's All Merry and Bright --I like these as they are
quick and easy--if you get to them!

This is one of those projects that couldn't be completed
in one sitting--The mystery quilt along from
This is clue 2--I can't find my fabric for the first clue--
bummer!  But, step 2 is finished!

Okay, I'm tired now--so off I go to listen to a book
while I soak in the tub!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Stitching The Cloud

Here is a sweet stitching for your enjoyment!
Always look to the rainbow in those cloudy, rainy days!

The pattern is for the design instructions.  The design size is 7" x 9 1/2", although you can enlarge [for applique] or shrink it.  

Available in my shop for instant download:  

Thursday, September 13, 2018


  • September 4 - 27: Spinner registration 
  • October 1 - 7: Spinning Week
  • October 19: Yardage Results Posted
 Spinner registration is now open! 
At its core, Spinzilla is the challenge to generate a very big number to show the yarn universe and beyond what we spinners are made of.
Spinzilla is a vehicle for individual spinners to spin more and worry less!  We don't care what kind of yarn you spin, we just want you to grab a tool, any tool, and get spinning! We need those yards! The more you spin, the better spinner you will become. 
Team Ply
The event is paid for by the generosity of our sponsors. Spinner registration fees are donated to the TNNA Foundation
Handweavers Guild of America also hosts National Spinning and Weaving week.
YOu can download their poster on this website.  Learn about this creative week
and how you can celebrate the craft of our hands.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Quilt of Valor Mystery

Quilty Girl is hosting another one of her famous mystery patterns for Quilts of Valor

 Here are some alternate color-ways that I thought looked good:
Dark #1  Red
Dark #2 Grey
Light  Cream

Dark #1   Mint
Dark #2 Light Grey
Light Cream

Dark #1Teal Green
Dark #2  Light Grey Blue
Light Navy   

You can choose to do scrappy – just adapt your instructions to the number of pieces you need.
You will need your Easy angle and Companion Angle tools for this.

The PDF for this will be posted by  8pm in  Craftsy Site 
Here is the direct link:
Fabric Requirements

Friday, September 7, 2018

Road Trip Details!

Yes, for the past few days we have been on a road trip--a quick
trip to visit in-laws.  Hubby wanted to see his sister so we took
a journey up the Kansas turnpike to northwest Missouri.  We
had just a few days to accomplish this so took advantage of
the time.
We spent one day visiting the old haunts of my husband's
childhood and the next day we did a visit to Weston, MO.
a quaint historic village that hosts many antique shops
along with a few wineries and distilleries.
Our first stop was at Riverwood Winery, located in an old
school house--I liked the way they decorated the long hall; 
each classroom was a place to host a special event or dinner.

What fascinated us the most was the wall of whiskeys
and scotches!  Never seen so many of these for tasting
in one location--every marker you could think of was
on the shelf.

Driving through town we came across this interesting pub,
where of course, we needed to take a break.

Their beers on tap held interesting and unique names.
The rain continued to fall intermittently so we
soldier on into the country side--I was looking for apples! 

We came upon a farm that grew not only apples but
pumpkins!  How exciting to see our first sign of

First crop of Gala Apples!

Just picked off the trees--I would have picked myself
if it hadn't been so muddy

just look at the marvelous colors

I was in pumpkin heaven!  Another orchard we found
fresh picked Jonathon apples--
hurray!  A bushel of apples will keep us in good
health all winter along!

Monday, September 3, 2018

And September Begins...........

How was your last hurray for summer?
One last time to enjoy some hot eats along with
family or friends--traveling to visit relatives or 
just plain chillin'!

I found this quilt along and am thinking--
this looks pretty cool!
presents for your sewing pleasure
a fun quilt along titled 
"Meet The Designers"
And here is the first block--
You will need 8 of these blocks-

Here are the fabric requirements (per block) for Block 1  – based on the solids version. 
  • White: 8 squares 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ and 4 squares 3″ x 3″
  • Orange: 5 squares 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
  • Light Pink: 4 squares 3″ x 3″
  • Dark Pink: 4 squares 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
And the best part--there will be tutorials for each block!

 Drum Roll please!  here is the finished quilt..................................
Isn't this just too brilliant?!!

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...