Saturday, March 17, 2018

I'm Pickling and In Jam!

We came to our Hill Country abode for a few days--traveling through
one of those quaint Texas towns, we happened on their farmer's market.
Now, this is a farmer's market!  lots of organic produce--eggs,
chickens--lamb--beef--fresh baked bread & cookies, etc.

I couldn't resist the watermelon and black Spanish radishes!
This booth had both radishes along with  multi colored carrots (love
the sweetness of these).  There was a bag of various pieces of
radishes, carrots, beets and one turnip--not especially happy
about the turnip but it was included.  Hard to see the Black
Spanish radish as it blends into the black countertop.

I put the small pieces of carrot and beets to cook--these
are going into a jam

Here is a better photo of the radishes--
black radish has a snappy taste, very spicy--
These are going into a pickle along with
the turnip!

Another farmer had fresh microgreens--crisp pea shoots!!
Looking forward to our favorite sandwich--sourdough bread
covered with swiss cheese, avocado and topped off with
these pea shoots--yummy!
Beets and carrots are cooked and run through the food processor-
off to be slow cooked for several hours before I add spices and
sugar for the jam.
Sometimes those drives through small towns pay off--

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