Thursday, August 31, 2017

Epic Disaster!

Our neighborhood might be dry and above water, but so many in Texas are affected by this massive storm called "Harvey".  Today, I ask for your prayers and donations to your favorite charity to assist all those Texans in harm's way!  When the roads clear and water has receded we will rebuild--We are Texas Strong!  American Strong! 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Boozy Cherries!!

I'm all for it!  it's the season for fresh bing cherries--and Here's a recipe that will be perfect for the rest of the year--

Turn this 

into THIS!



  • 3 1/2 cups bourbon
  • 2/3 cup granulated white sugar
  • 4 cups fresh sweet cherries, washed, pitted, and stems removed

  • Another recipe from Gimme Some Oven


    This Bourbon-Soaked Cherries recipe is quick and easy to make, naturally-sweetened, and a delicious addition to your cocktails.


    • 1 pound sweet bing cherries, pitted and stems removed
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 1/2 cup honey (or your desired sweetener)
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, store-bought or homemade
    • pinch of nutmeg
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 1 strip of orange peel
    • 1 cup bourbon (or any favorite whiskey)


    1. Place the cherries in two clean pint-sized mason jars (or one large quart-sized mason jar).  Set aside.
    2. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, whisk together the water, honey, vanilla extract and honey until combined.  Gently stir in the cinnamon strip and orange peel.  Continue heating, stirring occasionally, until the mixture reaches a simmer.  Reduce heat to medium-low, and continue simmering for another 10 minutes for the flavors to meld.
    3. Remove from heat, and strain out the cinnamon stick and orange peel.  Slowly add in the bourbon, and stir to combine.
    4. Pour the bourbon mixture evenly over the cherries, then let the mixture cool completely to room temperature.  Secure the lids on the mason jars, give them a shake, and refrigerate for at least 3 days before using.  The recipe should last for up to 2-3 months.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Grandma's Kitchen

 I'm following along with Pat Sloan's Grandma's Kitchen KAL although I don't have many memories of my grandmothers' kitchen.  I have enjoyed reading other quilters stories of their time in Grandma's kitchen.  There are such sweet memories--I only wish I could share such stories.  But, I can sew each block and savor those stories.  What are your memories of being in your Grandma's kitchen?

"Sticky Buns"

"Grandma's Table"

"Glasses and Cups"

"Half a Modern"

"Key Holder"
"Wash Days"
"Oh, My Stars"--instead of a cuss word!

Each quilter has tied their fabrics to their Grandma's memories--I found my fabrics at the local quilt shop on the bargain shelf--no memories there, just a good sale.
I only hope I'm
making memories with my grandkids in the kitchen. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


There is the day when you look in the fridge and see lots of leftovers!  Then you decide--it will be
MUSTGO night!!  That means everything leftover must go into one dish or maybe two and this evening there will be two dishes--main meal and dessert.

These were the last of the peaches--the season is coming to a close

I found a pie crust in the freezer--always good to have one on hand just 
for these occasions.  Place pie crust in tin, load it up with sliced peaches
and some strawberries that were lingering--little sugar and for some
spice I added basil--
my poor little plant!  The ones in the herb bed are toast so I purchased
this little one at the grocery--It will grow--I hope it wasn't traumatized
when I cut some leaves!

I made a crumble from oats, butter and I needed a binder--
didn't have flour so I used pancake mix (just a little)
Here is aside:  
In the pantry was this mix from Pioneer Baking Company, San 
Antonio, TX.  Here is the interesting fact about the founder--
he had his first mill down the road from us here in Hill
Country and now his ancestors have opened a winery--called
1851 because that was when the land was settled.  The original 
house still stands on the property--way cool, huh?!

okay, when I served this dish, I spooned out a big glop of
vanilla ice cream--delicious!!

Now for the main entree:
We had a baked potato and all the fixings from a dinner out, plus
an onion, broccoli and cheese--pimento cheese at that--I
bought it and didn't like the taste as a spread--hate to throw
out anything--so figured it would work in this dish

Little butter in the pan, saute onions and broccoli till
soften, dump in all the little tins (sour cream, bacon, butter, cheese) from baked potato,
add chunks of potato, some milk and that pimento cheese spread.
give it a taste!  Well, that's mighty tasty!

I kept adding that pimento cheese to the dish--
it worked using it this way!
Dinner was served!  Cheesy broccoli potato soup--
found two slices of garlic bread in the freezer-heated those up
and we had a nice dinner!
Sometimes, Mustgo night turns out pretty good!!

Monday, August 21, 2017

So Over It---Solar Eclipse!

Yesterday's blog post was about the solar eclipse--I'm so over it now!  We didn't see it--didn't even go outside to look--Our school principal daughter bought those special glasses for all her students--they had a teaching moment with all 500 students--everywhere you can view photos of the eclipse.
I feel for those who drove many miles to be in the path of totality and then it RAINED!  Rained big time on their parade--so, what are they doing now--looking at photos on TV, Facebook, etc. just as we are!

the path for 2017 took it across the mid section of the US--but, just wait,
in 2024--we'll have it in our region!  
and I've asked the daughter to save all those 500 special glasses for
us to use...............
Monday, April 8, 2024

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Marled Yarns = Project

Have you ever knit on a piece and decided halfway through, you didn't like it--maybe, it's the pattern, yarn, or needle size.  Well, it seems to happen to me more often than not--I'm more than half way through this year long project and I don't like it!!  Just plain and simple!  I don't like the way it's turning out

now, I have that I've spun this marled yarn and I'm thinking this might work just fine for that January 2018 deadline plus I'll finish my year long texture project--kill two birds with one stone!  There is one of those weird sayings again!  Anyway, today it means I'm getting two projects done at the same time.............

This is textural pattern from Elizabeth Ravenwood
Ravelry, of course!

Okay, I'm liking this pattern now--looks more manly
to me and it needs some softening effect

I'm thinking I'll need to add some color along the way
or maybe, I'll just dye it when completed--
four more months to go before any
decision is made though

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Marled Yarns

The challenge is to spin this fiber into yarn--and present
a completed project in January 2018 at our annual spin-in

I'm looking at this fiber thinking--I don't want to spin each roving
separately--I'm going for that marled yarn look

Spin a little white, spin a little black, spin a little tan--no
rhyme or reason to the pattern

Then ply--here is the look on the bobbin

and in a ball--Now, let me tell you--I have been spinning this
'marled' yarn for years!  Every since I was spindle spinning silk and
had all these little balls of spun silk--how do you use them individually?
you take 2 or 3 or 4 and ply them together and get
Marled yarn!!  

Marled yarns are formed by twisting together plies of different colors. The result is a single strand of yarn with multiple colors winding around one another.Marled yarns can be made from any number of plies—two, three, four, etc.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Oh My! Flower Pots!

Esther Aliu is offering the most gorgeous flower display of all times!
This begins today--15th of each month, through November, a
different section will be revealed!
and it's FREE!  No strings attached!
just download and create to your heart's content!
This wall hanging will finish at 38"x48".

Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Images" "Trees"

The current exhibits at Kerrville Arts and Cultural Center are diverse--there are three in the gallery now, through August 27.  One is presented by Dinah Bowman with artwork inspired by geological formations--
sorry, I didn't take any photos of this exhibit

One of the other exhibits is "Trees:  Artistic View" by
Hardy Lewis

The Quilted Tree

Painting of Tree Trunk

Steel Tree #1

Weeping Willow Tree

Panel of six trees



The Hanging Tree

Close-up of Hanging Tree
Trees, in my opinion, have always been nature's art form--
elegant, mostly stable, winging towards the sky with
upward swinging branches

The juried show by Kathleen Cook
There were many interesting pieces in this exhibit--paintings,
mixed media, etc.  but being a fiber person, I looked for
those presented in that medium.
Above is stitching work by Kim Paxson:  
"Mary Oliver's Question"

This piece won blue ribbon in the category 

"On Butterfly Wings" by Kathie Carlson

Weaving of textures--and here is the butterfly

"Texas Toast" by Ginger Collins

Stitchery along with painting

"Waiting" by Ginger Collins

Painting on fiber with stitchery

This colorful wall displayed winners with their ribbons.
Excellent representation from Kerrville Arts and Cultural members!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...