Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Mighty Structo Lives On!

Our Weaver Study Group is weaving away on Structos!  Those mighty little but powerful looms are ringing out with warp and weft.  The group is working on mug mats for the state conference to be held in 2017.  We have promised 170 mats for the brunch meal.
These wonderful looms are quite portable, easy to carry to workshops or meetings.
at one time I bought a lot of 5 of these gems but I sold them
all--it's okay though--other weavers are enjoying the delights of weaving

The warp of the mats will be 4.5" wide by 4.5" in the state conference colors

There has been much discussion about the sett of the warp--either 36 epi or 30 epi,
so both are being woven using 5/2 cotton or 10/2 doubled.  We'll see where they land.
Several had taken a rep weave workshop earlier this year so using that knowledge to
create this layout.  The weft is one shot of thin and one shot of thick.
Weaving is slow work, but the weavers trudge on

Gerry bought an eight harness Structo and this information booklet came with it.
Dated 1959 

And take a look at the price list--in 1959, you could purchase one of these looms
for $22.50 for 4 harness or $37.50 for 8 harness.  Gerry said she paid $300 for 
her 8 harness!  My, my how things to go up with value.
If you have one of these structo looms, you have a good deal!

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