Sunday, October 12, 2014

Unpacking and Organizing

When we return to our winter home, it always takes me some time to unpack and revamp myself to the location.  I think it gets worse with age, too!  During the summer, I've worked on a few quilt blocks that need to be blanket stitched so I wait till I get to my Bernia machine to do that work; which means there are hours of sitting at the machine doing nothing but blanket stitch.
Finally!  finished all the blocks for this Fatcat Patterns quilt top.  Why I do these I don't know?  Or yes I do--these make such great quilts.

The owls of the wild are ready to be together so I lay the blocks on the floor to get the whole view--it's also exercise from one room to the other!

These fellows are just darn whoooting great!! 

I have three orphan block quilt tops to border and decide on a backing--I'm thinking the backs should be orphan fabrics too.

Okay, here we go at the machine; ready for that blanket stitch as I work on The Quilt Show  2014 BOM (block of the month).

I have the majority of the center finished; just need to work on the border--which includes lots of applique

Another Row of the month (ROM) mystery top--look on the sidebar to find the link

First row is finished--easy to do with paper piecing instructions

Still working on the Penguins from Sindy's website.  Such jolly birds!  Okay, I really should stop making these--maybe, next year--if she doesn't post anything really clever or cute!  I promise!


  1. I love the owls and penguins. There was a poster of the alphabet BOM at Ricky this weekend. It was practically full sized. Very nice. Stitch on!


Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...