Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What a treat to visit Texas Contemporary Art Fair recently!  The displays and exhibits from nation wide galleries and artists was set up nicely, with interesting grid path to accompany visitors.  Take a look at the website and browse through the photos and special exhibits.  I took a few photos....................
This piece was impressive from a walk by and then upon a closer inspection.........

Why not do this same thing with paint chips?

Tara Tucker

Bigfoot Loves Minicorn, 2013
Presented by Rena Bransten Gallery
I love this Big Foot!

He certainly can take up a large portion of your room........

And a true "Living Room"

Pablo Siquier

1308, 2013
Presented by Sicardi Gallery

And why not make pieces from sugar casts?

The whole space gave off the sense of contemporary!

Clayton Brothers

Wishy Washy, 2006
Presented by Mark Moore Gallery


Ewerdt Hilgemann

Imploded Column (2:1), 2008
Presented by Kopeikin Gallery


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