Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Lost--one motivation.  Can I find it again?  And Soon?!!  Okay, let's dig through our STASH bin and see what's been aging for awhile==maybe, we'll find motivation there. 
Of Course, here is that darling purse pattern/kit I bought way back in ____ (?) who knows when. 
We even took time to mark the pattern on the wool panel.......And it's just been sitting around--aging!

Now, do you have any idea how long it took for me to do this little bit of stitching?  Answer--not long......once I found

 the box of perle cottons floss--recipe calls for just plain embroidery floss, but I think perle cotton would look nicer.

Oh my gosh!  Here is a pattern that I had stuffed down in the bottom of my knitting bag.....

And there is the knitting that was begun--or how long ago??  And it's handspun wool too boot.

Oh Gee Whiz--I bought this scarf kit from a rep-- I remember-- I thought it was absolutely smashing when I saw it--but, haven't done a darn thing with it yet.  Okay, we'll let it age awhile longer.
Motivation is out there and I'm hoping I can find it soon. 

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