Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The history of the American Barn Quilt can be traced back almost 300 years to the arrival of immigrants from the central regions of Europe; Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. It is widely believed that barn painting/quilting originated in Pennsylvania with these immigrants and then spread through much of the New England and Midwestern states. Paint was very expensive in those days and painting a decorative and distinctive quilt pattern on their barns was a wonderful way of allowing for decoration. It also became an excellent way for travelers to find particular families or cross roads as towns people would just tell them which pattern to look for.  Info from American Barn Quilts

So, jumping on the 'barn' wagon is Acquilt with their Barn Quilt Design contest.  Take a look at the winners! 
When you travel through the midwest, you can still find barns with these delightful paintings over their doors. 

Bee in My Bonnet QAL is just the place to find the pattern.  This quilt along has been fun

A chance to use up some 6.5" ophran blocks floating around the stash bin

also, a way to use up some of those interesting barn fabrics that have been collected over the years.

animals can be added along with other farm equipment

These will definitely be added to the Binky Patrol quilt collection for some little adventuresome person to enjoy.

On our return flight from Las Vegas, I was able to tune into any TV show and came across Eleanor Burns doing this quilt.  Well, needless to say, this quilt will be in my personal collection--once we have finished with all the other barns.  Interesting information about barn quilts in this publication. 
Happy barn hunting to you!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who Gives a Hoot??

Who Gives a Hoot?? Well, I didn't! Until I saw these wonderful owls perching HERE
They look so mysterious and inviting, so there was only one thing to do

But, to create these forest creatures to cloth!

I really like this one!  He has a crossed eye look!

And these guys are super great to been peeking at jump over to Sindy's site and begin your collection of Owls! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oh, Those Talented Expatchers....................

We are perkin' along with our Expatchers group. These are gals who formed their quilting group while serving as expats. Some of our members have returned and retired to United States while others are still out there in the foreign countries--we hope sewing away!
Karen (our May birthday gal) had this selection of fabrics to create blocks from so here is what she did.......................

NICE!  Loving these black and white fabrics

Camilla was finishing the binding on this prayer quilt

The loose stitching threads are ready for prayering hands to tie as they say prayer for a special person

This was a request for a young man who had a serious accident and the family chose his school colors

Judy M's studio always has a great display of quilts. 

Great color combination with 'friendship' stars as focal point

These were school house blocks that had different patterns for the center section

Patriotic quilts are always welcome sight

And a hanging for the upcoming red, white and blue holidays.....................

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Weavers Delight!!

May's WOW (Way Out Weavers) gathering was a luncheon to end our regular session of meetings. Not only do we eat and catch up on the latest news from members, we also have 'show and share' time! and these gals never disappoint with what they have been working on in since our last meeting
Sharla showed off her place mats, Huck Lace weave structure in 3/2 cotton.  Sharla is a 'new' weaver--never would guess.................
Close-up view of the weave structure
Sharla presented her new weaving from inkle loom workshop that some of the WOW members attended.  This will be a guitar strap for her grandson.  Nice work Sharla!!


Then Karen I begins with her presentation--some of us call her 'overachiever'! but her husband calls her 'miss weaves alot!'  She has this strap from her band loom.

Karen is fascinated by Rep Weave and she has been weaving rugs

Front and back of this rug--she has also woven two other larger rugs and was asking about pricing--which is always hard thing for weavers to decide

View of length of band loom weaving strap from Karen I

This is block weave uses rag strips for weft.

The closer is a heavy bead on an inkle strap

Oh my gosh!! Here comes another band from Karen I--how does she do it?  And to think she has only been weaving for a few years.

Kyla is working on shibori dyeing--turning white silk chiffon into this lovely drapey scarf

Joan had a 'find' from her Aunt's closet--no information came in the wrapping, but we were all intersted to know more

How cool is this little machine!!  If you have any information to pass along, please let me know.

Barbara decided to investigate crackle weave so did a sampler

And now she's hooked!!

Scharine had a couple of lovely pieces--this nuno felt piece with interesting tassel

And can we say--absolutely fabulous!! this ikat woven yardage (3 yds). 

Scharine continues to weave her culture and heritage!

Gerry has definitely found her 'niche' in the weaving world--she loves to do these small tapestries--I'm proud to say I own two of her award winning pieces!

This piece uses hand dyed silk (from recent workdhop) as weft.

Close-up of Barbara's crackle weave table runner. 

Crackle weave sampler

Every two years for our state conference, we gather items for a theme inspired basket to be used in door prize drawing.  We have chosen kitchen theme and members have really outdone themselves this year.

This basket certainly will be a big draw during the conference--five handwoven tea towels, food products, ceramic mugs, woven ribbons, bottle of Texas wine, flavored vinegars, etc.

Wrapped and all tied up with handwoven ribbons--who wants to win this one?? 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


What have I done? Why do I do these things?

There seems to be a lull in knitting sometimes and then guess what--here comes a flood of knitting items that my hands must do!

Look at this lovely!  How can you resist joining in on this KAL??  The designer is Bunnymuff and this is a free pattern through the duration of KAL. 

Next up is Dawn to Dusk Shawlette from designer Tetiana Otruta. This is a free pattern and so much fun to knit.
Fiddle Knits pattern is free with code LUCIOASLACE through June 28 via Ravelry.  Erica Jackofsky is the designer
This KAL comes from Deby Lake (who also has a Facebook page) Sunny Side is the design name and begins June 1 (free till then)
This is MKAL by Tetiana, clues are out now--check it out!

This is a yahoo group, so ask to join to receive the pattern steps.

Well, we are not done with our list: Look at Knitty for Spring Summer patterns (always free!) for some great designers and interesting knitting.

Add this one to the mix too--Dragonfly Fibers is also doing MKAL (mystery knit along)!  oh my, however can one keep up with all these interesting challenges???!!

How about knitting socks--a MKAL designed by Claire Ellen is Drip Drip Drop on Ravelry. This will be a learning technique for me as it is traveling cable stitches.
What exciting knitting for the summer!! Come join in the fun and knit as you relax on the beach or watching soccer/baseball/tennis--keep your hands and mind busy!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...