Tuesday, March 31, 2020

And March Rolls Out.......................

Last day of March--it might have come in as a Lion but is it going out like a Lamb--“In like a lion, out like a lamb” has always seemed a straightforward enough proverb: when March starts, it's still winter, and by the end of the month spring has begun.
well, this March has been totally different for many of us............................incarcerate, my son calls it!  Not quite but it seems like it at times--and he works from home ALL the time--

So, what have you been doing during this "Stay Home" and Social Distancing sessions?

Me, I find anything to keep from doing housework or cooking-- I dug through another bin of stash items, looking for silk scarves (which my brain said I've got)--  What I found--was a whole big bin of hand dyed cloth!!  Pulled each piece out and thought "I remember when I did this piece" or I remember that workshop!

Found several shibori pieces that I did a million years ago with indigo

 Look!  Other pieces of natural dyed fabrics--a lot of the indigo was done when I demoed indigo dyeing at the plantation

Ohh, this is just the tip of the bin--I dug deep and found those silk scarves--which is doing some eco dyeing with--hopefully, I'll share those pieces soon. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Now For Your Amusement, Education or Whatever!

I find this totally awesome!  Notice that the yarn is hanging behind them and they use a sharp knife to cut as they weave...................just unbelievable!  They are making our next Silk/wool rug.
and if you thought your job was hard!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Winter, 2021

Either I'm early or I'm really late--but, I'll be ready for Winter 2021 with
these finished pieces
I worked on this Valentine Quilt top blocks when the pattern was released--
It was a free download from Fort Worth Fabric Studio

When I was working on the X blocks, I couldn't decide which half square triangle 
should be the major X--so I laid out two ways, took photos and then
decided that the bright red would be the best to show 

I didn't order the kit for this one--look for a Spring QAL to begin April 1--
as usual, the steps are free but you have the option to purchase their fabric kit.

Another winter project has been these awesome socks--
haven't done socks in awhile--this pattern from
Knitter's Brewing Company for their mosaic Mystery Sock
XII:  Let It Snow--I did order the sock kit from them for these
socks as if I didn't have yarn in my stash --ha ha!

I finished my socks!  So much fun to see the pattern develop with each stitch!

Place April 1 on your calendar as the begin date for this 2020 Christmas Carols

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Itsy Bitsy...................

I lay before you..............................several small itsy bitsy quilt blocks--which aren't easy to sew--
it's in your best interest, if you decide to make itsy bitsy blocks, to cut accurately!  When it states
1.5" square--be sure you cut that size--it's best to measure twice and cut once-
I started 2019 Mystery along with Kathleen Tracy's in 2019
somehow, it got lost in the shuffle or I just gave up
2020 rolls around and there is another mystery from
Kathleen--okay, I'm on this one--I've even caught up with each month
I'm going back to finish the 2019 blocks--because I've seen the finished
itsy bitsy quilt--I love it!

Here are the 2020 blocks for January -March--

Monday, March 23, 2020

Taking My Own Advice..................

Yes, I give the best advice--so I'm taking that advice.............I pulled out all my stash bins in the studio and begin to look at the odd blocks on hand and I look over to the loom, partially dressed--
I'm ready to tackle what I can--
Found these blocks--they're 'orphans'--but, these will work great together--add borders
around the apron to bring up to 12.5"--then I have all these 2.5" rolls of binding that
I never used--perfect for something  

and the sashing between the blocks are 1.5" strips cut for another project that weren't used--
works here along with the binding cuttings--
Boy, I feel good!  Liberated!  I'm on a roll!  Cleaning up all these small UFO's
I found all these colorful blocks--why didn't I make more?  Anyway, these will work for an orphan quilt top for kids--Also have the start of an alphabet--will check to see what letters are missing--these will work great as borders--stay tuned for the results...........
adios for now! 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Self Containment.................Clears Up Bins

It's Amazing what you can find when you are bored and have plenty of time on your hands--
digging through my stash bins, I've found all sorts of 'lost' projects!

I remember working on this panel many moons ago--it's certainly one
of those forgotten pieces--just need to add couple of borders, quilt and bind--
perfect Christmas gift done!!

and then there are these pieces--ahh, I think I really want to forget about them totally!  What a pain to work this pattern!

But, I began and now I need to finish--there is no way I'm going to paper piece 58
maple leaves to go around the border--that was one reason it went to stationery bin--
finally, my brain said just do what you want!
Decided on 6" blocks--it will work just fine--besides I'm the maker and I can do what I want!

And this!! Oh My--I've been looking for this for months!!
I found it while digging in my scrap bin with all the loose pieces--
Why? was it there?  Doesn't matter-it's been found--just quilt
and bind and call it finished!!!
Hope you have found something to keep you occupied!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

In A Holding Pattern...........................

Since most everyone is taking some time off to shelter in place--why not take some time to take stock of what's important to you-- read a good book; listen to some lively music; write down your feelings in a journal; cook some interesting food; facetime with relatives; spend time talking to your spouse (!!!);  binge watch old movies--most of all--do some creative work with your hands.

Here you go:  Quarantine knitting with Arne and Carlos!  they are " designing a mystery knit along that everyone will be able to do, using yarn from your stash, and we will do a video podcast on our YouTube Channel on weekdays, Monday - Friday for the two next weeks.
This page has been created by us so that everyone who joins us can share their progress with each other! The podcasts and Knit Along will start tomorrow at 6 pm Central European time, which is 6 hours ahead of Central Daylight Time in North America until we Europeans move the clock to summer time in the end of March. The patterns and charts for each daily clue will be available here: https://arnecarlos.com/blog/ This is a free initiative and we hope you'll join us stay safe, healthy and sane during these crazy times!"

Here's the start of something interesting! 

Do some hand stitching! finish some UFOs!  Begin another quilt challenge!
like this free Quarantine Quilt Along
designed and presented by GE Designs

OR Listen to a good book....

 I've been reading the Bible--the world's greatest book!  I'm reading it with the aid of
 A short recap of each chapter of the Bible podcast presented by Tara Leigh Cobble--This podcast is awesome!  Love Tara Leigh's voice! Read along with her and others--calm your soul and mind.

And further your relaxation and freedom of boredom, jump over to Calm and take the free seven day challenge--you'll be happy you tried it out!

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............