Friday, March 15, 2019

Fibers News from Around The World

For the past few months I've enjoyed the posts from
She gleams the most interesting articles and news
events from around the spinning world to present
in an informative newsletter--

The February newsletter contained such news as 
the following.........
"Lice and HIstory of Textiles"--oh my!
who would have thought of that topic!
but, quite the read!
and on the lighter side.......

Cartoons staring Yvonne, the wisest sheep I know!

Sign up to receive her newsletter to receive such things as
patterns for 

lace curtains--tips and tutorials, learning to spin,
basics of fiber, reviews of products, inspiration, gallery
of sorts of exhibits, artwear, etc.
Thank you Sheila for keeping the fiber world active!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Loving Stitchery

Allie-Oops Designs is now on Facebook since
Craftsy did their deed and purged her designs--
well, it's not Craftsy now but something like
Blueprint--anyway, she is hosting a free
stitching now--you can join her
FB page and receive the designs through the files.

Her designs are a way to learn new stitchery 
techniques or just use the ones you already known

These are a stitchery garden of flowers and
wonderful sayings

All important messages for today's daily life.
Happy stitching!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Mystery Quilt Along Begins Soon..................

You can find this group on Facebook

Partners in Design is a group of  11 quilters who will give you
their unique design in this quilt along--it's a mystery, so
we'll just have to see what, when and how this is played out.
Beginning March 12, you can sew up an interesting block
each month--Free!  Yes, Free!

This is the fall quilt that was designed for quilters--pretty cool, huh? 
I'm sorry I didn't sew along-- :-( 
But, this is another opportunity!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

WSW............................A Little Weaving, A Little Fiber Art

One of my weaver groups (Westside Weavers--WSW) met earlier this week--we just enjoy each other's company
and sharing our latest fiber adventures.  We have been weaving for years!
and believe it or not--are going back to the basics in our fiber activities.

Rosemary had her small treasure pouches to show off.
She is taking all her small bits of handwoven fabrics
and making these treasures.  in the middle you can see
her angel of love.  

Pat has been working with Sugar and Cream yarn to make
an exciting baby blanket for her first great-grandchild!
She wove it double weave to get a nice size for the
new addition to the family

Penny had  a piece of fiber art--eco-dyeing
that she purchased at January spin-in from
Lisa of Dicentra Designs--it's super perfect!

Nice size scarf or table runner--I'd love to wear this anywhere!

Our hostess, Fern, showed off her piece of eco dyeing--
different technique--one is steam (above), hers was
boiled for an hour--interesting results for both

Fern also had some pieces that she achieved at a recent
fiber workshop by Molly Koehn

These were using stencils and indigo dye

What a super great morning!  spent with fellow fiber enthusiasts-

Thursday, March 7, 2019

What Happen..........................?

What the heck happened to Spring?  One day we have temps in the 60's and the next we are pulling out our coats and sweaters again for temps in mid 20's!  I say we can always complain about the weather, but we can't do anything about it--the only thing in life we can't change-weather and death!

So, while it's still cool and inside sitting time, I'm knitting.............. and it's time
 for another Agatha Christie read (or watch) or listen.  I'm watching and listening on Acorn TV the February selection for Ravelry group--Delicious Death.  This month's book is

Here is the plot--Sixteen years after Caroline Crale is convicted for the murder of her
husband Amyas, her daughter Carla approaches Poirot (Hurrah another Poirot book!).
In the meeting,  Carla says her mother was innocent and told her so in the letter she 
received at age 21 from her mother.--

whoa is this enough for Hercule to become involved??

The Ravelry group has a list of "piggie' knitting/crocheted patterns
we can do--I'm picking a simple quickie this month:

Down Clover Laine has a free dishcloth pattern-

Elaine also created the pattern for a bib!  how cute!

This choice for March is perfect as it is the year of the PIG!

The Pig is the twelfth of all zodiac animals.  According to one myth,
the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order
in which they arrived to his party.  Pig overslept so was late!
Another story says that a wolf destroyed his house and he had
to rebuild his home before he could set off--sound like a 
"three little pigs" tale to me!
Anyway, when the pig arrived,he was the last one and could
only take twelfth place.
In Chinese culture, pigs are symbol of wealth--their chubby
faces and big ears are signs of fortune as well--
this according to  this website

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

2019 International Crochet Month

I don't crochet often and wasn't even aware of this, but
here is some great news for crocheters--a month of 
designer showcase patterns for you to create.
My BFF crochets prayer shawls so this will be
good news for her--she is always looking for
unique and interesting patterns for those in her

Underground Crafter has the 'skinny' on what you can expect
over the month of March.

Here is a freebie to begin your adventure--
love the looks of this one--very colorful and
Happy hooking y'all!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

From These Hands..................

The theme for our 2020 January Spin-in is "Helping Hands"!
I think this is the best theme we could have for any year...
but 2020 will see many hands creating beautiful, useful things
for those in need.

I'm looking at this quilt!  Oh boy, what a great look this is!
Of course, it's all half square triangles--what else!
I'm on a roll using those half squares--there is
a fabric line coming out for this but think any combination
of red, whites, beiges and blues will work.  So, I'm
digging through my stash to build on this top.
If you are interested in the book and fabrics,
you can find them here

My latest spinning adventure is off the wheel

Oh, yeah!  finished spinning this lovely yarn  from Dicentra Designs
The lamp doesn't do justice to the color--it's ready to be plied
and SET!  

A new baby boy is arriving soon--so here is a
gift from my hands to this baby.

I love making these blankets--it's simple and quick
and I love the handwork around the edges and
since it's a boy--I include this book--Love You Forever!
it makes me cry every time I read it.


Leftovers!  What to do with leftovers?  Never know what to do with all these leftovers--hate to pitch them.  It's all good stuff and sho...