Friday, July 7, 2017

July and August Projects

July will be a travel month for me--so I'm making this list of quilts I want to work on after I return to my machine.  A couple of these projects are ready right now--like Scrappy Patchwork QAL and Dino DNA.

 cut the blocks 7 1/2″ square from panel, and add 3″ pinwheels and 3″ x 7 1/2″ sashing strips to make it a nice crib size.  This is a cute way to use up panels or fussy cut--

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Eyfells and Eyfells: Jóhann Eyfells

If you travel the 290 Corridor from Johnson City to Fredericksburg, you will see
off to the north the creative works of Johann Eyfells.  We have travelled that
route many times and we haven't stopped in yet to visit with him.
During the recent Hill Country Film Festival, there was a 
film about Eyfells--but we attend another film at the time--wish they
would show these important films again.

I was pleased to see some of his work at the Kerrville Arts Center when
we visited last week.  

Johann has exhibited throughout the world
and we are happy he's close to our summer home.

Johann Eyfells 

 He began his abstract sculptures in the 60's based on his experiments in chemistry and physics, utilizing the various transformational properties of metals, especially aluminum, iron and copper. He calls his work "receptual" based on his concept of receptualism, a theory he developed to explain the essence of his work.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Quilts of Valor Mystery

Today marks the day that Alycia begins her Mystery #6!
You can check out her website to get your bearings and
find out the fabric requirements--I bet you, though, it will
be red, white and blue!
Alycia does such wonderful work with Quilts of Valor--
The mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.

You will find patterns on their website as well as on Alycia's.
I met Alycia many years ago while I spent my summers in Colorado--
at the time I didn't know about Quilts of Valor, but my life
has become enriched with the opportunity to sew for these brave patriots--
my one small chance to make their life richer though the warmth of
a quilt!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Birthday to US!

Today would have been my dad's birthday --he was born in a small Missouri town--his history is completely lost!  We know nothing about his upbringing; his WWII experience (as he didn't speak of it), his father or mother's life.  My father died too young, carrying all these things with him.
Sad all this is gone to the ages.

On the contrary, Our country's history is definitely on the books!  Many
good stories are told in the annals of United States History--
Here's a Happy Birthday wish to all those who enjoy our freedoms!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Antique Quilt Blocks

Recently, we walked through an 'antique' shop--
it was a hot day and the shop had AC and we wanted to
cool off before heading out to do more shopping.

 In the back of the shop, draped over a chair was one quilt that took
my eye!  The fabrics and color combinations were so -off-
it made the quilt unique! 

The block is the same!  Just look at the colors and fabric
choices--doesn't matter if it was plaid, stripe or
print--these quilt blocks worked!

Serendipity!  It's always interesting how those spur of the minute
times take you some place special with an opportunity to
get your brain functioning differently!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

One Down, No Make That Two!

Why or why did I cut so many of this section for a quilt?
The only good thing is I have three (3) quilts instead of One!
Yes, three quilts!  Goes to prove I should have been measuring

I'm doing one person assembly line sewing!
trying to use up all those middle sections--
just needed to sew 4 patches from 2" squares--
working down that stash bin!

Here we have it--two more quilts!
Same pattern--boring!  Easy to sew though

These will go to church group that is doing collection for Ronald MacDonald House.
Feels good to contribute plus the bonus of eliminating all those
small blocks!!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Make Your Own Patriotic Pinwheel

To celebrate the Fourth of July, make your own pinwheel to show your patriotic spirit for those parades, parties, picnics and firework evenings!

These are so simple to make and a good way to use your red, white and blue fabrics!
check out the suggestions on Pinterest!

Good Day To……..

 It's always a good day to take some time for yourself.  it's also a good day to do nothing when the day is rainy and no outside act...