Sunday, May 7, 2023

Mojo? What is MoJo?

Who is this Mojo person?  My grandkids love COJO—Cody Johnson—#1 to them in country music.  But, I’m not sure they know what or who MOJO is!  Give them a few years, that old MJO will hit them! 

Well, I was hit with no MJO—for several weeks.  No knitting mojo at all! Now——I’m back!! 

I’ll pulled out the bag of blue wool yarn—ready to see/remember what was in it

And the bag even contained a pattern, Bonus! Oh dear, the pattern in the bag is for a hat, which will (maybe) use the rest of the yarn.  Guess I was being optimistic by adding the hat pattern.
Extra bonus—stitches already on needles! 
Yes, I said needles!  

The start for hubby’s socks!!  Yay!  I’m putting my MOJO to work.  Knitting these plain socks, no pattern is needed—until I reach the heel; here I need some guidance.  Never remember how many to the middle of heel.  Also, need pattern to finish toes—it’s the dreaded Kitchener stitch!!
So, off we go!!

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There They Go!

 Throughout the year, I’ve been knitting hats amongst the regular clues of knit alongs.  It has been a pleasure to knit these various patter...