Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Well , I’ll Be!!

Well, I'll be!  there are more QAL (quilt alongs) for the start of 2023!  This one popped up in December--

Jessica Dayon always has such clear instructions for her QAL!  She even has videos to assist you when you get stuck with a block.  Of course, by now we have a few blocks under our belt, but this runs through February--there is time to catch up!  Or save the instructions for future sewing.  I'm doing both--sewing along and saving--Who knows if I'll finish or this will be in my UFO box?

A Quilting Life always host great sew alongs--some mystery too.  There is another BOM which starts this month.  Check it out.  It is easy for me to do one block a month and by year's end I have a finished quilt--almost finished!  just add borders and yay! another top to add to the stack waiting for the long arm!
It was an easy block to work up!  I'm thinking of adding another border to give it more dimension

Another BOM is this one below......
Aby Quilts offers another Row Along--I liked doing the last one, so this one should be fun as well.

Civil War quilts by Barbara Brackman presents an opportunity to learn history regarding Civil War and create a quilt block at the same time each month.  March 2023 she will present an applique blocks--stay tuned for that event.

I think this is enough to keep at least one or two of us busy with sewing!
There are other crafts I want to finish up as well.

I'm diving back into Zentangles!  
Relaxing after working on some complicated quilt blocks or flustering knit pattern!

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

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