Monday, January 30, 2023

Three D's!

It was one of those January days--I'm bored!  I'm tired of sewing!  I'm bored with housework (of course!), I'm down right bored!  Got to perk up!  
It's a dark, dreary day!
There sat that spun ball of single brown cotton--it's been there how many days?  Just waiting for me to pay attention to it!  But, since it sat so long in one place, it became common place and ignored!
Wake up boredom!  Here is a chance to get your wheel out and ply those singles so you can use it down the line.

So Ply away I did--got out the wheel, put on a good movie and got my feet to treadling -- but now, it sat on the bobbin for several days--where is my gumption to completely finish with this yarn.  Finally!! I wound the bobbin off and now I just stare at it--maybe, this will be used to weave those handtowels that are on the loom. 

When I walked into the "junk" closet to place this brown cotton, I spied another 'common place' item--it was a plastic jar (leftover from mixed nuts).  How long has that jar been there?  weeks, months, years?  

Funny how some things can be so common place, right in our sight all the time, but ignored.  How many times have I walked into that closet and overlooked that jar?  How many times did I walk by that ball of brown cotton and just ignore it?  too many times to count for sure.

That empty mixed nuts jar is filled with such goodies; although, not eatable but gems in their own right.  This stopped me in my tracks--how many times have I passed by someone who is so common Place but ignored?  My life would be richer if I acknowledged that common place person and I think their life would be happier too.  

Kindness is so easy to give--doesn't cost money--it's easy to say hello to a neighbor, wave to a stranger, hug a friend even when they aren't having a bad day;  

The other day we went to an estate sale--the couple was downsizing their house to live and travel in a RV--everyone walking through the house, studying their 'treasures', were quiet and walking their own path through the rooms.  THEN, I smiled at one lady who was in the same room--guess what?? She smiled back and we had a nice conversation!  That one smile led to more conversations--outside the back door, more smiles and more happy faces-  I nodded to the gentleman waiting outside for his wife; he nodded back, then I smiled!  Conversation began and another person joined in.  

-Just a smile or a nod--this is truly needed during these dark, dreary January days!  Actually, a smile is good anytime!!

Just one smile---.  I was filled with uplifted spirit--just from the start of a smile.  That smile perked me up--I'm not bored anymore!  It jerked me out of the dark dreary day feelings!  I'm off to look in my junk closet to see what else  has become common placed! 

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” - William Arthur Ward 😁


Thursday, January 26, 2023


Something about that feeling when you complete a item on your list!  Checking off those list items is a great feeling!  Always, that list is MY list!  Those things that I want to do--not always important in someone's else life or on their list--just my personal accomplishment!

New Year, January brings many chances to begin another project, hoping it won't become UFO--but, remember I'm in Control of my List!

I found this sew along one day and thought, I'd love a red and white quilt--2023 Sew With Me
This will be easy to keep up with--sure! It's just once a month.

Block for Pat Sloan's Sweet Childhood memories  These blocks are posted every Wednesday
The first block from Sweet Childhood Memories==I'm thinking this will be the center block

Sewcialites2 will host red, white and blue fabrics to create patriotic top

A Quilting Life presents 2023 quilt along.  I'm trying to use colors I normally wouldn't try--there might be some purples in this batch for the year!

Another patriotism block for Quilts of Valor top--love making these blocks!

My friend and I finally got to the long arm this month.  She had finished this quilt top; of course, I have about 10 tops that need that finishing touch!  

She quilted with yellow thread which really makes the top pop!  it's not easy to see her flower motif in her design but she has good rhythm with her quilting.
I chose to do this log cabin top--it's from strips that I've saved--just sewed strips together in log cabin fashion--didn't care if the strip was thin or wide;  Once I thought there was enough for 12" block, stopped adding strips and trimmed it.

I didn't have a backing so dyed in light blue Rit dye.  Quilting I use is circles, some swirls and hearts.
Was a fun day!  But, let me tell you--we hadn't been at the long arm since October, I was really muscle sore the next day! 


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Just For Baby JD

The day has been set for the baby shower—February 5, birth of baby JD is undetermined yet.  There will be a time set soon for granddaughter’s time to deliver. It is best JD stays in his home for now and as long as he can.

 Little JD has a defect: but, it’s so marvelous that doctors already know what that defect is and how they will proceed after his birth.  JD has CDH Disease. We had never heard of this disease; according to our study of CDH, we found that 1 out of 2500 babies are born with this.  

This baby has so many prayer warriors praying for him—his little life has already touched many.  Each doctor visit shows improvement even before he has his first breathe outside the womb! Prayers do work!!

JD’s photos show a cute little face!  

Always excited to see each development of his growth! You may ask—-“what does JD stand for”? The parents haven’t decided the name yet, just that they want to call him JD!!  We have given them many suggestions, of course. In the meantime,  as the parents zero in on a name, We are happy to call this sweet baby JD! 

Now, to my quest—since JD will be in NICU for some time, mom is asking for things he can use while there—blankets, socks, hats, mittens—I’m ready with my yarn and needles!!  Research here I come!  I’ve never knit for NICU babies.  I was excited to think I could use some of my handspun!  NOT!  Babies need acrylic!! Drats! I hate working with that yarn—but, I WILL—just for JD and his fellow NICU friends!  

I found some soft baby yarn, acrylic, of course! 

A green and blue—thinking hats, maybe, socks—I can knit so many for him.  I have found several patterns—this knitting will be quick—so tiny in my hands.
Then—I found Knots for Love—there is a list of approved yarns and a notice—Don’t send hats!!
 It seems hospital NICU units receive plenty of hats.  Makes sense to me—easy to knit and quick to finish!

Ok—regroup! What is suggested--make blankets—more research to find the perfect pattern. 
Why blankets?

Parents sleep with the blankets before placing them on these precious new lives so their scent is on the blanket when it is then provided and lovingly placed onto the baby in the NICU incubator by a Nurse -- and the baby can receive both warm from the blanket and the parents even though they cannot yet be with her or him.
 Ensure the blanket is no smaller than 30” x 24”.

✅ Use yarns on our Required Yarn List to knit or crochet a blanket made from any soft, cozy, lightweight yarn.  

✅ Remember, these tiny preemie babies that sometimes weigh only 1lb will be wrapped in your blankets.

✅ Do not choose a lacy pattern because little fingers, toes, and tubes can get caught in blankets with holes.

So, My fingers are busy with yarn to produce this love blanket for little JD!  And as I knit, I say prayers for his well-being and great healing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 Gathered around me are all my knitting bags—all seven of them .  I bought the bags when the granddaughter was selling 31 products.  Never can have too many bags—these bags are perfect size to hold yarn, needles, pattern, etc.  one small problem—three of the bags now hold an UFO knitting project! I hate that there are all these unfinished items—for some reason, I began with happy fingers and determination to knit a shawl, a hat, or a scarf; somewhere along the way, I lost interest and the project went to the wayside. 

Now! I have real Determination! To finish these projects! I’ve decided to take one of those bags, open it, pull out the instructions and begin—again! To complete this UFO!

First up—Elizabeth Ravenwood’s 2021 year of International Lace Scarf

Here is one page of pattern.  Most often  I use post a notes to mark the knitting row; but, I really like this one!  Unfortunately, I don’t have many of these sticky long ones.

Spacer between patterns

I love orange! Love knitting this pattern too! Don’t know why I put it aside back in 2021.  
Handspun yarn half knitted with Japanese pattern

More handspun wool/silk blend—this is lace pattern, stopped with September!  Gee whiz—just four months short of finishing!

More handspun (wool/tencel blend). At least, this one does not have a pattern with it! 
I don’t want my determination to complete these UFOs to be derailed—but, sometimes determination goes away and boredom sets in and you look away at the “squirrel” moment!  
I just keep reminding myself—I’m the master of my life!  
I choose what to do when to do it!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Little This, Little That

 Let's talk!  What have you been up to these January "blue" days?  there is no need to get down in spirits just because the sun is hidden by clouds; you just want to curl up on the sofa with a good book, cup of tea to sit under the latest quilt you have finished!  

Here is a challenge to decide the next book to read.  Try this each month which comes from Friends and Fiction

My One Word Title is Beartown by Fredrik Backman--I'm reading via Scribd App--sometimes I can do audio, which is perfect.  It is book about hockey in a small town. 

  Facebook group Read with the Book Girls  encourages us to read books set in different USA locations.  Each month there will be suggestions from several regions--it's not reading 52 books in a year!!  Although, that would be delightful!

I liked the idea of reading books from different regions of the USA.  My pick is Back Bay by William Martin--this book is flashing back and forth between 1812 and present day in the Boston area

Another way to pick your book—so many ways to decide on what to read, especially if you are stuck.  Not a problem for me!  I have a stockpile of books to read—at the present time, I’m finishing up one of Alexander McCall Smith’s books about the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency—“A Song of Comfortable Chairs”—I’ve enjoyed each one of these books! 

I've begun another Musselburgh Hat designed by Ysolda
It's mindless knitting once you have the start with 8 stitches joined into a circle--that's the most flustering issue! 

Loved this skein of yarn when my eyes hit it!  Once the 8 stitches are growing, I’m always anxious to get them to circular needle!  Then, it’s knit knit knit! 

2022 brought some mistakes—you can never live without mistakes, which make us a better person—only if we correct them!  Case in period is the above block!  No rhyme or reason—it looked a mess!  But, in my brain, it was going to be just fine in a quilt setting!

I kept thinking about that block—so out came Jack the Ripper to put things right!  Oh so much better now! This is block #7 from Sewicialities. 

We visited a friend during holidays and she showed me this quilt her grandmother made—it’s a lovely form of cathedral windows! 
And now—back to stitching or reading or planning my next UFO
Come join me in a new adventure—each year we turn a new page in our life—last year is under our belts and we learned from our mistakes. Here’s to 2023!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Well , I’ll Be!!

Well, I'll be!  there are more QAL (quilt alongs) for the start of 2023!  This one popped up in December--

Jessica Dayon always has such clear instructions for her QAL!  She even has videos to assist you when you get stuck with a block.  Of course, by now we have a few blocks under our belt, but this runs through February--there is time to catch up!  Or save the instructions for future sewing.  I'm doing both--sewing along and saving--Who knows if I'll finish or this will be in my UFO box?

A Quilting Life always host great sew alongs--some mystery too.  There is another BOM which starts this month.  Check it out.  It is easy for me to do one block a month and by year's end I have a finished quilt--almost finished!  just add borders and yay! another top to add to the stack waiting for the long arm!
It was an easy block to work up!  I'm thinking of adding another border to give it more dimension

Another BOM is this one below......
Aby Quilts offers another Row Along--I liked doing the last one, so this one should be fun as well.

Civil War quilts by Barbara Brackman presents an opportunity to learn history regarding Civil War and create a quilt block at the same time each month.  March 2023 she will present an applique blocks--stay tuned for that event.

I think this is enough to keep at least one or two of us busy with sewing!
There are other crafts I want to finish up as well.

I'm diving back into Zentangles!  
Relaxing after working on some complicated quilt blocks or flustering knit pattern!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Yellowstone and Beyond

 Oh Yes!  We love the show "Yellowstone"!  What great characters!  and the story line draws you in and each week you want more.  The first season of Yellowstone ended in late December and now we wait for the other season to drop, maybe sometime this summer!  I have no patience! 

I have so many enabler friends!  Thank you enabler, Judy from Colorado!  She emails me one day with this--"I know you love Yellowstone.  There is a shop in Missouri who is hosting a quilt along with a quilt from the show--Let 'er Rip"

  I immediately went to the website and ordered the pattern--it comes by slow mail, not a PDF  I said I have no patience!  But, finally the pattern arrived--another friend loves Yellowstone as much as I do, so she and I are going to make this quilt--when?  I don't know, but we'll gather our fabrics and be ready for the perfect day! 

Low and Behold--that same Colorado enabler friend emailed with this!! There is a pattern for Elsa quilt from 1883!!  Oh No!

Elsa wrapped in ther Granny Square Quilt

I didn't order that pattern--I know that pattern "It's Granny Square Block" and I found several good sources for that block--so I saved my patience on that pattern.  This quilt is done in Civil War Reproductions.  I'm thinking more scrappy since that is where my fabric lies!
Maybe, there will be quilts featured in “1923”?

I love my enabler Friends!!  Keep the suggestions coming!


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

 As I was looking for something else in my studio (forgot now what I was looking for!). Anyway, I pulled out the desk drawer (one I don’t use often) my hands found my old journals!  Gee, I’d forgotten about these books of ideas, photos from past conferences, notes of programs, business cards of fellow artists—what memories!  You can guess now why I don’t remember what I was looking forward in the first place.  Because here in my hands were years of thoughts, notations, plans for future projects!  And so, I spent part of the day browsing through those pages and remembering! 

My first journal carried a woven bookmark that matched the covering of the journal—the book itself was handmade book!

This was given to me via California pen pal I had—dates back before 1995.  We corespondented for many years and exchanged ideas and gifts; then, we parted ways for some reason—
I faithfully carried this journal everywhere I ventured and soon the book was filled!
When our weavers' guild had their yearly sale, I bought this journal!  Love the woven front and back and now there were more pages to fill with ideas, etc.  

Somewhere along the line, I was gifted this lovely knitted bookmark--It's hard to see in the corner but it marked more thoughts that I wanted to do!!

The inside pocket was loaded with business cards, postcards, etc.

And on one page, I found this--written by granddaughter, age 12 when we traveled with her in England and Scotland.  She knew this book was special and added her own words of commentary.
She even drew a goofy photo for my remembrances 

Patterns written down for future knitting projects--which most likely didn't happen.  At the time, it seemed like a goal to accomplish.
I will reuse this journal--there are a few empty pages to place more works of art!

Well, nothing was reduced from this day--just more ways to 
recycle and reuse these journals.

onto the next cabinet drawer in my studio--there I go--down the rabbit hole!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

And So Another Year!

 Yes, another year begins! And so do the UFOs!  Of course, some of these projects just might make it to fruition!  Just depends—here is my bargain with myself—complete at least part of one “old” UFO before beginning a new project in hopes that new project doesn’t end up as UFO!! 

Yes! there are others dealing with same problem(?) there is a new group on FB—it’s UFO Challenge 2023!  This is a support group for us enablers!  We just can’t seem to finish a project before beginning another another!

Therefore, since I’m an enabler here are some new projects beginning in 2023  

AQuilting Life is hosting another mystery block of the month

Sweet Childhood Memories Pat Sloan 

Frozen Memories—Fort Worth Fiber Studio—began Dec 19 will run through January

Craftsy Mystery BOM 2023

Coriander Quilts--Sunny Patches Mystery

Color challenge with cars--This challenge gives an opportunity to work with color each month,
based on classic cars!  What a great idea!  I love those classic cars!

Riley Blake has invited several designers to create a block for your sewing pleasure
each month.
Fat Quarter Shop presents their 2023 designer mystery blocks beginning June!  Yes, you have plenty of time to gather supplies for this one.
Fat Quarter Shop is hosting their 2023 Charity quilt along for MAKE A WISH
Join Stitching with Friends on Facebook--lots of fun to come!

Cross My Heart

And here is a way to use that 2023 color of the year—tones of RED!

Okay!  start those engines, sharpen those blades, sort the fabric and begin......

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...