Thursday, August 18, 2022

1052 and counting

Lisa Bongean is hosting "O' Say Can You Sew Quilt Along”—here is clue 5 that I'm working on.

not to say I've completed clues 1-4, but when I have time and patience (to work with small pieces) I pull out the instructions and plow along.
So far, I"m working on this clue which needs 1152 half square triangles!  Yes!! You read that right—1152! 
One of the easiest way to get those little things is to use printed papers.
To figure I need 1152 and one sheet will yield 40 = 28 sheets of paper!  
I sew a few, cut them apart and at night, I tear off the paper.
Bowl is holding three sheets of triangles--next step: press!  ugh!  my least favorite part of quilting!
It will take 9 triangles to make a block, measuring 3.5"  Itsy bitsy!
But, I bet this will be one brilliant quilt when all the blocks are placed together.

I’m so glad I have this cutting mat!  It makes cutting these half square triangles easier. It turns!

Laying out the sewn papers to cut, make one cut and turn the mat for the next cut, etc till finished

Now, all the triangles are cut apart and headed to next stage—tearing the paper off—easy enough to do—just takes some manual labor. 

Finished half squares—240 so far! 

One 3.5” block! 
Going to sew more today…….. maybe! 

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Found my Mojo!!

 For a whole year, there were no new quilt blocks created!  Time was spent on quilt as you go research and building quilt tops. Now, almost ...