Thursday, July 28, 2022

Watercolors on Cloth.

On a trip to Flagstaff, Arizona to visit my brother several years ago,  I took a detour to a quilt shop--of course!
the guys were playing golf and I have no interest in hitting that little white ball, watching it soar, 
waiting my turn to hit it again- using up four hours time!
Quilt shop is much better to spend four hours.
During that visit, I purchased these hand painted four panels from a local artist, Roberta Rogers

I didn't want to frame the panels so saved them for future ideas.

I decided to take the panels and make them into one large banner for over the headboard of our
master bed.

The banner added color to our mountain home in Colorado--loved looking at the scenery
every day.

And there were reminders of Arizona and the lovely saguaro that grace the landscape

Ahh, the colors of the Southwest!
Evidentually, we moved from that mountain retreat to southern states and I had
no idea what to do with my SW banner--into the storage bin it went--just recently, when
stash diving, I found the beautiful watercolors again.
I inched my way through the panels with a seam ripper, dividing the cloth from the panels--
once again, I'm waiting for an idea to hit my brain so I can again display theses
one of a kind paintings.


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