Friday, July 22, 2022

Handspun Yarn

Still spinning during Tour de France for Tour de Fleece in the morning--ususally watch recorded race
the next day--so I'm behind a day--doesn't matter to me AND I can fast forward through the commercials!
What to do in the evening with my hands?  Knit, of course!  with handspun, naturally!
I'm on a 'kick" knitting hats!  This one is my go to hat pattern--no rhyme or reason what colors to put together--just hold two (mostly 'orphans' or small amounts) together, cast on 80 and knit!  I love knitting these!  Just go and go forever until you run out of one yarn, pick up another one, add on and continue!  All these are handspun yarns
Here is the front of the hat.  

This pattern is from Woolly Wormhead.  She has several free patterns.  I love her hat construction!  Quite ingenuous!  Okay for this one, I had two different handspun wools--one in yellows and greens;  the other in greens.  Of course, I ran out of the one--what to do?  Just pick up another green or yellow and continue on.

Back look with gathered top!  Think I like a tatered top better but once again, I was running out of yarn

Also, working on merino/silk handspun scarf pattern from Toni L Lorenz, 2022 Shetland Sampler--photo doesn't do the yarn color justice!  It's a soft green/agua two ply yarn I spun about three years ago.
I'm working through the months quietly inching up to June's pattern.
Just got about four other handspun knitting patterns in the wings.
When you work with fiber in the morning, you want to continue in the evening.


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