Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Secret Live of Color--World of Colors continued

And now we come to this new addition to my color library.
The author, Kassia St. Clair, has taken 75 shades, dyes and hues of color to tell a story about how color has changed the world.  She has taken brown, way battles were fought, to white that gave protection against plague;  Picasso's blue period to charcoal on cave walls--scarlet women to industrial pink--a thread through history.
As the pages show the different tints and shades of color, we learn how each hue creates
our moods and temperture; how we choose a color to wear, decorate with, speak about--
adventures abound in this book--I'm enjoying each page as I turn from color to color.

How do you use color in your daily life?  Or your work in fiber?  
Pat Sloan is taking this book to task--she is going through the colors to create a quilt with
her shoofly block.  There is purpose!  Makes for an interesting project and goal in mind--the hardest thing to do is achieve each tint, shade or hue in each color section--

I've always thought of white as the absent of color--boy, was I wrong!

White light is a combination of all colors in the color spectrum. It has all the colors of the rainbow. Combining primary colors of light like red, blue, and green creates secondary colors: yellow, cyan, and magenta.

And now, a whole new can of worms has been open for me to explore!  Pliny Elder, 1 A.D-100A.D was the first on record of trying to make white color--never heard of him!  But, now, I"m curious and tried to track down his recipe for white--here you have it!
Think I'll just buy my white already made!  Although it would be fun to mix all the above colors to see if I can achieve that "white" which I know now is a COLOR!

How do you see "White"? 
Purity, virtue, innocent, delicacy.
white calms, balances, purifies, brings clarity
cleaniness, elegance, simplicity, goodness--
bland, unfriendness, emptiness, coldness

Here is Mary O'Neill's thoughts on WHITE

White is a dove and the lily of the valley 
and a puddle of milk spilled in an alley--
A ship's sail, a kite's tail, a wedding veil, Hailstones and Halibut bones and
some people's telephones.
The hottest and most blinding light is white. 
 and breath is white when you blow it out on a frosty night.
White is the shining absence of all color, then absence is white out of touch, out of sight--
White is marshmallow and vanilla ice cream
and the part you can't remmeber in a dream.
White is the sound of a light foot walking; white is a pair of whispers talking
White is the beautiful broken lace, of snowflakes falling on your face
You can smell white in a country room toward the end of May in the cherry bloom.

And so my reading and studying will continue into the world of color--


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