Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Memories of Christmas

 It's almost like Christmas Carol--when you begin to unpack all those tree trimmings and decorations for the house--the first ghost appears with memories of Christmas Past!  

I love Santas!  This one was special as it was hand carved, gifted by our
daughter a Christmas 20 years ago--isn't it funny how you can 
remember these things but can't remember what you did yesterday?

My Santa on the left is painted on a gourd!  Yes, a gourd!  you can hear the seeds inside when you shake him--it's like his belly is shaking not like jelly!  The Santa on the right is painted on a cypress knee--you know the Cypress trees that grow in bayous--love these too so much!  Each in their own special way.
Oh, and these special pottery pieces are so precious!  When we lived in Puerto La Cruz,
Venezuela we would take trips into the mountains and visit the artist of
Los Altos--we had our favorites--this artist was one of those very wonderful
people--she worked with clay from the region and made this Mary and Joseph
and Angel for us!  Upon learning we were moving back to Texas, this lovely
lady presented me with Baby Jesus!  Oh, so wonderful!  

Each year I unwrap each piece to bring back those warm fuzzy
feeling again!
My Granny made this nativity ceramic set many moons ago--she
has been living with the heavenly angels for 40 years--I miss her but
each year this set sits in our entry way to remind us that
Christmas is about Jesus and the reason he came to save us!

This piece was gifted to us by my brother--he thoughtfully bought when he
was visiting Israel one year--this is carved from an olive tree.  Oh so lovely
to hold in your hand and rub over the smooth surface.
What memories do you have of Christmas Past?

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