Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wedding Day!

This is the big DAY!  for our grandson and his fiancee'
They will be walking down the aisle around 3 PM today with
reception following--We are thrilled for them and the
new adventure they will walk.
You can guess that's where we are today-- 

They love horses

and their dogs!

We had a busy year with Amanda's graduation from U of H

Then the lovely bridal shower hosted by the bridesmaids.

Keep a good thought for them as they begin a new
Maybe, maybe, there will be photos forthcoming after
we recover from the event!
Here is their gift from my hands—
2017 Bonnie Hunter Quilt


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Quilt Con 2020

Recently, I had an opportunity to attend QuiltCon 2020 in Austin--what an eye opening event!  I attended the first Austin QuiltCon several years ago--much smaller event than the massive International Quilt Festival in Houston.  My friend, who came with me, is a novice quilter and she was in over load after about two hours!

Here we are!  Time to get oriented--

First, we pick up these unique bags--yes, "Keep Austin Quilty" instead of "Keep Austin Weird"

I said that I wasn't buying anything--well, that went out the window as soon as I spied these
wonderful quilt kits--I don't usually buy kits--BUT.....
I found these at Making Memories Quilt Shop Booth
Star Storm Quilt and Smudge kits 


Oh, oh, the yarns!! OMGoodness--I couldn't resist these two! 
This is just one of the shops available for your pleasure--Threads and Ewe

And another kits that caught my eye--"A Stitch a Day"--
how I wish I could do this one!

Best of Show--"Starring You" by Peter R Byrne, Toronto Canada

Left is detail of quilting; right is back of quilt
His "CityScapes" garnered him another ribbon for best of frameless quilting--first
man in QuiltCon to win

One of the exhibits was Charity Quilts and here are four that were accepted

The colors were absolutely eye popping in many of the quilts---

And the quilting!!  Ah, so elaborate in so many--while others used straight lines for their accent

Several had used hand embroidery on the top to give depth

You can see all the winners and other quilts here 
QuiltCon 2021 will be held in Atlanta--you just might see me there......

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sunday Morning Coming Down

It was a cool Sunday morning--and we are attending Cowboy Church
in Luckenbach, Texas.
The service is held in the old dance hall where there is no AC or heat

Although the music was warm and uplifting, we don our
jackets and gloves to celebrate this day of love.
The musicians were guests from Missouri--
Ronnie and Mary Beth Truitti, Steila Trudel and
our own Spirit Band member Kelly Luker

Look what we have to warm our fannies--these wonderful hand stitched
1930's quilts!  The benches are cold to the tuss and we welcome the
comfort of these handmade quilts

Wish I knew the pattern name

This quilt was color coordinated and pattern of stars was unusual in my knowledge
Love love this cowboy church and the celebration we share each Sunday
soon, it will be hot and we'll want for those comfy quilts again--

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Treadling, Treadling, Treadling

Pictures are worth 1000 words--
hence, below, my treadling events.
From fiber to yarn
singles and plied

Still treadling--lots of this 8 ounces yet to spin!

 I've been itching to spin this well aged fiber
 Lovely fiber! 

It's spinning beautifully!!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...