Thursday, September 19, 2019

Weavers' Delight

It's September!  Which means our first WSW weaving gathering--
always a delight to be with these gals--makes my head swim
with so many ideas and techniques I should try!
Of course,  there was a summer of learning with
new workshops.

Fern took a felting class couple months ago and
made this adorable rabbit!

He's so cute with his big ears 

and funny toes

She even did some needle felting with a new found friend--

Another workshop she did was silk painting--using
unusual materials

The surface is made with bubble wrap and underlay is
using plastic cleaner bags

The trim was done with shaving cream soap and stencils--
what fun!

Connie loves to stitch so she spent her summer
using needle and thread to stitch grids on her
linen fabric--then pulled up the threads before
indigo dyeing the fabric

Such precision to get such fine lines with her thread

She was also doing clamping techniques on
these linen/cotton towels

Nice lines and creative design

Pat showed her eco-dyed linen--asking for suggestions
on what to do next--we suggest some embroidery work and use
the fabric for a pillow

Penny was a sole weaver this summer!  She had natural colored
cotton on the loom to produce several hand towels--the handle
of the towel is so soft--these will go on her sale table.

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