Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Socks, Socks, Socks

Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye--let it be known--that I'm on a roll with socks!  Knitting socks is my obsession now!  I know--yes, I get on this kick every once in awhile--
I've almost finished this pair--my favorite way to knit socks--
two at a time!  yes, they come out just perfect--each is the
same length--

I found two other sock knit alongs that are upcoming,
so I threw in my hat to do one or both...

Octopus's Garden

by Claire Ellen (aka Wimpwoman on Ravelry)

This is March 2019 mystery sock for Sock Knitters Anonymous
on Ravelry.  You do not need to be a member of the group--but
sometimes, it's a bonus to be a member--you get all sorts of hints
and encouragement.
There are four clues, released on March 1, 8, 15 and 22.
The theme is music and art and the designer was inspired by
The Beatles song of the same name on Abbey Road Album.
The designer describes these socks as novelty, perhaps
ridiculous definitely not elegant nor beautiful!

If interested, check out the other information on yarn,
needles, other pertinent size and knitting ability. 

Precious Metals Knit along (KAL) designed by
Louise Tilbrook Designs is free to those who sign up for
her newsletter..  These will be cuff down (my favorite way
to begin a sock)

Monday, February 25, 2019

Manx Quilting

No matter how long I've been quilting--or sewing squares together, there is always room to learn about other cultures/countries quilting techniques.  Manx Quilting from the Isle of Mann caught my eye
What makes these simple log cabin squares different?
The construction is made on a background square/foundation
fabric, and stitched all around by hand using one long
thread; then the folding technique creates a layer of warmth-
hence, no batting is needed.  
Read about this interesting way of making a quilt--and you
might want to give it a try.

check out Diary of a Quilter how to as she makes a small quilt using this technique.

Years ago, I learned from a super great quilter, Anita Murphy how to make a reversible quilt -
her techniques allowed you build on one square at a time as you assembled your blocks--no need to head to the quilters table.  Anita wrote several books on this topic--I loved Anita's way of quilting and made at least two quilts using the Revisible method.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Little Sewing--A Little Catching UP

Well, it's about time!  I've been neglecting my quilt blocks--
too many other things to do that are fun as well....

This is block one of three for January (yes! January!)
A Quilting LIfe always has interesting BOM (blocks of the month)
sew alongs.  This year's blocks are made with half square triangles-
once you decide on the size of your block--just make a 'ton' of
half square triangles--it takes 12 for the block size I've decided on.

Second block of January's three--I'm still sewing half-square
triangles for block 3--it takes time to cut the blocks, mark
the sewing lines, sew, cut, square up.

this block is for Pat Sloan's' Flower Bouquet BOW--
Block of the Week!  Each Wednesday she has a different
block for your sewing pleasure--she is one busy

One Wednesday's instructions gave us the
setting blocks--need 11 of one and 13 of the 
others--those are all done!  Nine patch went together
nicely, as I had many 2" squares already cut in
my scrap bin--of course, the other blocks needed--
you guesses it--half square triangles--but, this size was
just perfect for my paper sets from Quilting and Whatnot

Another Wednesday block--oops!  Something
is wrong with this one--

This is the correct setting for this block!-
some ripping..............

January and February blocks from Sentimental Quilter
She's Kathleen Tracy's Small Quilt Lovers on Facebook.
Blocks are 4" finished--great fun to make, if you can
do small! 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Yarn Twist Problem................

I finally decided to begin on this knit along--love Toni Lorenz's patterns--
you can find her in "Knitting in the Loft" group on Ravelry.
I have been looking forward to this sampler--

I settled on my handspun "Phoebe" blend from Sky loom Weavers
It spun up beautifully!  knits up nice and soft--
One Problem!

I began the ruffle and look what's happening!  It's leaning to the right--
well, that's my fault!  I didn't set the twist in the yarn after I
spun  and plied it.  I just got excited to begin--wound it off
to ball and took it to needles--  when I saw this happening, I
immediately cut the yarn and skeined it off

After it's skeined, you can see how the twist
is uneven--mistakes can always be made when you
are spinning--and I've been spinning for 30+ years!
The object is to take the yarn off your bobbin, skein it
and have a perfectly balanced yarn--

Here's how I set the twist--I soak the yarn skeins in
warm water, wring them out and use two hangers to 
put weight on the skeins to set the twist--when
they dry--I'll be back in business!  to knit with
perfectly set yarn!

I settled on my handspun "Phoebe" blend from Sky loom Weavers

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Victorian Knitalong

Well, I have two weeks under my knitting needles on this
interesting look at 19th century knitting.  Franklin Habit with
Markers Mercantile has given us a unique knitting experience.
the first clue--ugh!!  I ripped about 5 times before I finally
got what I was missing.  There are several videos on the
ravelry group's page--but, let me tell you--it wasn't 
easy to get those steps into my brain!
I even changed yarn three times--
Finally!!  I got it!  after the fifth time!
This is going to be really neat--waiting on the
next clue.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Boost Your Knitting

Arnall-Culliford Knitwear is hosting another year
to Boost Your Knitting skills.  I participated last year
and am looking forward to another round of
knowledge from these talented designers/knitters.

The techniques included are:

Brioche Knitting, including increases and decreases
Choosing colors for stranded colorwork
Tubular cast-on method in the round
Dip stitches
Double knitting, including decreases
Finishing techniques for toy knitting
Gusset short row heel for toe up socks
Intarsia in the round
Joining in yarns for colorwork
Tuck Stitches

The program begins March 1. You can also find their group
on Facebook and Ravelry

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Spin Along--Knit Along

Beginning February 13, you can jump into

Namaste Farms/Redding Method will have a SAL and KAL-- this 5 week spinning and knitting extravaganza is being held so that people who don’t knit, can learn! The program has been expanded to include spinning yarn and dyeing a simple solid single too. All the instruction is FREE and will take place on their Facebook group, Redding Method.  If you knit but don’t spin,  you'll learn a simple method to make yarn on a chopstick.  If you crochet but don’t knit, you can learn to knit.  If you spin but don’t dye, you'll learn how to dye.  All you have to do is join and show up to Redding Method and get the relevant information such as links etc…
The ultimate goal of this project, besides inviting people to learn and become more skilled in fiber arts, is to have a finished project. The project we’re doing is a simple hat.  There will be at least 5 free patterns to choose from and those will be listed in Redding Method in the files section.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sock Knitting......................

I've been sock knitting using this interesting yarn
--this pair (first sock of two)--I couldn't figure
out a way to knit both socks at the same time with this yarn--then
I watched the video and there is no way you can knit two socks as the same
time!  Problem solved for me!  It becomes mindless knitting--
the yarn is all you need to get two identical socks--that is--
if you watch the marked thread features.
Watch the video here

When speaking to another sockitter recently 
They suggest winding off the yarn from the end
To yellow marker and then the yarn would be ready to begin
This could be a solution to knitting 2 socks at 5he same time

Finished the first sock--easy peasy knitting!

Now, the second sock is begun--just had to pull
out the yarn till I reached the end of the yellow
marker--and cast on--how in the world did
they figure out the dyeing method??
It works!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

It's time for Agatha February Read

Just a little late with this--doesn't matter, always a good read or watch on Netflix (confession--I did!)

Cards on the Table (1936)   This book is all about the game of Bridge

"lay one's cards on the table. Also, put one's cards on the table . Be open and honest, reveal one's position or intentions, as in John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford . This expression alludes to showing the hand one holds."

What will I knit along with this book?  Hmmmm..

I'm thinking  nice lacy wrist warmers would work for a Bridge party.
This pattern is designed by Evelyn Clark

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Small Things--Big Love!

Elefantz is sharing her "Small Things, Great Love"
Stitchery--is there a better way to give a gift than
one from the heart and hands?!  This pattern will be
free till March 5.

Debby Kratovil gives us a new look to a repeat simple
heart pattern to make and give.  I made these from
handwoven fabrics, but easy to make from scraps of

Definitely small!  but big in lasting love!
Susan Anderson has this pattern free here
You'll love knitting these small treasures to give
Big Love!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

And They call It Progress

Finished--one year long project from 2018!! This was from

This is also from Sindy's website--each block is free for the month
it appears.  In 2019 she has two more free BOM--
This is called "Gnome Grown"--I'm not doing this one

"Hen Party"--yes, I'm doing this one--Why?
I don't know--just like the chickens--blond
headed daughter is raising chickens, but I've given
her so many chicken things--she might not want
another chicken in her house!

These 'small' blocks are from Kathleen's 
small quilts are leading the way to thinking
TINY!  Blocks measure--well, should measure
4"--I'm working on February blocks this week.

In the evening, I'm either spinning or knitting--
I'm enjoying this blend of silk, BFL, Yak
from Dicentra Designs that I got at Spin-in

I't's spinning beautifully!  Love it!

Someone at spin-in gave me this 'smiley' face--
it holds your fiber when you stop--great idea!
sometimes, I put a small piece of velcro on the wheel
to hold the loose fiber when I stop--but this wheel
didn't have that--so hence, smiley face is perfect! 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Scraps Are Good--

Thinking it's time to think Valentine decorating--
I came across this tutorial on how to create a
scrap wreath!!

I know I have lots of scraps!--bins full of pieces that I always
think there is a reason to keep
now, I've found one good reason--

Happy Quilting has the one to try!  Melissa-uses
her stash in this cheerful way...I'm cutting strips of my

LOve, Love this idea! for table decoration--
hubby and I are dining in on Valentine's day--
he's making a feast to enjoy--I'm in charge of
decorating--this one is a winner!

If you need more ideas for your valentine
look no further than Prudent Penny Pincher--
many ideas to make your day special.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Oh The Joys of January Spin-in!

Besides, having a blast with my spinning friends--lots
of laughter--spinning tips, techniques, trials and tribulations
shared--there are vendors!! oh, yes!  vendors!!

Every year I say to myself--"self, don't buy anymore
fiber--your closet is packed already" 

you arrive and watch the vendors placing their
beautiful fibers and other sundry items on the tables,
and you can't help but submit---
okay, where is my checkbook and here is my
credit card just pass it from vendor to vendor!

just look at these spoils from January spin-in!

The lovely handwoven dishtowel is by Charlene Schurch--
what a fantastic weaver she is!  This year she wove "Destin
Dozen"--12 different towels on the same warp.
 Each remarkable in color depth and design--
on top of the towel are spun fibers--thank you very much!
And a luxury wool, silk yak blend on the left.

There is that lovely wool blend again with two skeins
of sock yarn from Gale's Art;

Two skeins from Dicentra Designs--the two in the middle;
sock yarn on bottom to the right and on top of the
sock yarn is dyed Egyptian cotton sliver from
Ewephoric Fibers; and the fiber roving on the very
left is from Deep Dyed Yarns

And least but not forgotten is this 8 oz roving bundle

Here comes the spinning bug......................

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...